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Everything posted by Bairnardo

  1. Fingers crossed the Culloden Loyal have a particularly bad time of it.
  2. Rangers drove the entire Colts saga, which was pretty much "the rest of you need to step up"
  3. Get it so far up you Rangers and Celtic. Cry, blame others, then f**k off and play somewhere else please.
  4. Hes not ready for any kind of level tbh. Anyway, this is very, very Bon. MAIR
  5. Smash them into tiny pieces Lyon. Collect all the pieces in a box. Burn the box.
  6. Really want to win this game. Plan to have a honking hangover, and 3 points would be just the tonic.
  7. What a way to spend your one go on this earth.....
  8. Allow alcohol at all SPFL games. Then immediately kick Rangers and Celtic out of the SPFL
  9. Why am I seeing wreaths on folks doors so much these days?
  10. More on the equipment side I was meaning
  11. Depending on how deep into it you are, i've got stuff you can have if you want it? Need to clear out my garage
  12. I slagged Celebrimbor early on for being thick as f**k, but I agree with you that they did finally manage to portray Sauron in an appropriately evil and manipulative way when they showed him bending Celebrimbors mind as he becomes a little more keen to speed the ring making up.
  13. Would we even be able to? Have to be a free agent before the window closed do you not?
  14. I wonder if you could have a corporate level too? I know businesses have a number of sponsorship options but there might be some way to incentivise businesses to get involved on the FSS side.
  15. The most humiliating result in Scottish football in years, and it belong to Scottish Footballs biggest bully Danke Dortmund.
  16. Very much an integral part of the "two cheeks" position, to which mist if not all diddies heartily subscribe.
  17. Pleasing that not matter what Celtic do, and no matter how shrill they are about budgets, they won't inflict a worse humiliation on anyone than that. An absolute solar flare level minter
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