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Michael W

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Everything posted by Michael W

  1. donkey was at least funny. That's ample reason for allowing that particular alias.
  2. This username only has another 30mins left in it as well! Good time to twig.
  3. Smith's out of contract at the end of the season, I think. Keeping him out on loan won't really do much good when they need to determine whether or not to keep him. I think Russell's been unlucky. He's been thrown up front on his own a lot in his time here and has understandably struggled.
  4. I've only just sobered up fully from last night. I'm not hungover, but working whilst still feeling a bit pished is just dreadful.
  5. I really don't think he'd be a particularly good appointment for Dundee United. Despite a promising start, we've hit a downturn; it's now almost two months since we last won a game. It would show a bit of a lack of ambition, IMO. They should be looking at going for someone a bit more established than McGlynn.
  6. PCA at best. That's obviously providing McAlister's contract is up at the end of the season. I seriously doubt we can afford a transfer fee. Russell will return to Dundee United, along with Cameron. Smith may, or may not extend his loan. McGlynn said that we can't maintain the current squad size, so I doubt we'll be bringing in anyone new, unless we move a couple of our players on. Apparently Amaya and Gathuessi are only on short-term contracts too... I think it's safe to say we really need to beat Airdrie and hope for a decent cup draw if we're to have any finances to keep players, let alone bring them in.
  7. I'm kinda hoping a few of them were only given one year contracts, to be honest.
  8. He's also great at throwing away possession and charging out of position. There'll be a few midfielders released. Ferry seems a cert to go given his lack of opportunities, whilst Simmons and Sloan haven't had the best of it either. Not sure if Walker will stay, but he's been our best midfielder so far, IMO. Also: Tadé & Darren Smith are signed for another season, IIRC. No idea about: Hill, McGurn, Campbell, Ellis or Weir
  9. I know he will, much to my annoyance. He's not good enough for this level, although he's not the only one in that bracket in fairness.
  10. It does get a bit like that times. The only one on that list I'd contemplate keeping is Walker. Out of the young players, only Bryce has really gained any first team experience. If the others, and Bryce himself, aren't going to be given a chance/McGlynn doesn't deem them good enough, they should go. I'd imagine most of the players' contracts will be up, with a few exceptions.
  11. Acht, was worth a try! In the case of taxation law, that could be every year. I feel sorry for anyone who actually does write a book on that; it's out of date when the annual Finance Act is passed. Generally, you'll get about 3-4 years before the book has to be updated to cover new aspects, changes to statute, new case law etc.
  12. I could punt you a delict book pretty cheap if you don't already have it?* *Provided there isn't a new edition out.
  13. I keep feeling like I'm going to throw up. I've no idea why, but I keep getting these sickly feelings which last a few seconds, then I feel fine again. I've been like this since last night and it's really starting to piss me off. And No, I'm not pregnant. The test was negative and I did two just to be on the safe side.
  14. It'd be the CoD obsession that would be the determining factor of rejection. That game has replaced WoW as the choice of the eternal virgin. I also enjoy a bit of cooking sometimes too. You appreciate it more knowing the effort you've put in.
  15. Indeed. Paul Lovering and Kevin James are my personal favorites for that! There isn't any benefit in it. Chances are the frustrations will transfer to the player themselves, resulting in silly bookings/red cards/worse performances. To the final sentence, I seen a pretty interesting post from someone on this forum a few days ago. Apparently a few of the worlds top golfers work with sports psychiatrists to increase their mental strength and convince them they're good. Goes quite well to back up what you're saying; confidence doesn't necessarily come with ability.
  16. To be honest, players shouldn't be giving a jot what someone on the internet thinks of them. I'm sure they'll cope, given they're bound to have heard a lot worse from fans of opposition teams whilst playing. It'd be a poor lookout if they were affected by it, as well as their own fault for going on the forum in the first place. I'd say shouting at them during a match is more likely to affect them, which is why I refrain from doing so. If I want to criticise a player, I do it on here. I can be accused of hiding behind a keyboard in doing so, but I don't think it's likely to be detrimental to that player, or indeed the team. If players want to read internet forums, that's fine. However, they should be aware there is a chance they could be getting a fair bit of flak. If that kind of thing's likely to bother them, they shouldn't be reading them.
  17. It'll be handy when all our CBs are handed 6-match bans for their indiscipline I suppose. We should be sorted defensively now. Surely, surely, surely we won't be caught short of personnel in that department?
  18. As good as it is to have extra cover, I'm not sure this signing was particularly necessary. Be interesting to see how McGlynn fits all these guys in, though I'd have to imagine Ellis will be the one dropped. Benching Dougie Hill would be exceptionally harsh given his form and I can't see Mark Campbell being dropped. Annoyingly, this probably means Grant Murray will be used in midfield from now on - he isn't a midfielder, he's a defender. If McGlynn's going to be using Murray as a midfielder, then surely this means Davidson isn't likely to get back in the team when he returns? That particular pairing would be a complete disaster. Even then, Simmons and Walker have been ever present when fit - where do they fit in? McGlynn's played Murray, Ellis, Davidson and Simmons when available, but he's going to have to leave some of them out now; they can't all fit into the one side. Furthermore, Gatthussi looked a capable player, so I can't imagine him being left out. He might have to drop Hill, which as I said earlier would be exceptionally harsh on him. Some tough choices to be made regarding team selection, that's for sure.
  19. Can't say I reckon it makes much difference. It's splitting hairs really, like saying that giving someone a '2' means more than them getting a 'B'. Nothing like a good 24% to let you know you're hopeless.
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