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Posts posted by stemjsim

  1. Batman v Superman 4/10


    I was really wanting to like this but it's a mess, a few decent moments with Batman and Alfred and Wonder Woman towards the end but it's a 2.5 hour movie that probably needs another hour in it to make it better.  Or cut a hell of a lot tighter.  They've jammed in so many Iconic scenes and ideas that they've fucked themselves if they actually wanted to do them properly.  It smells a lot of throwing shite at the wall to see what sticks tbh.


    Once the first half is over and the film stops jumping about from scene to scene in a pretty jarring manner it does flow a lot better but it just doesn't click imo (and I fucking love the animated series B:TAS, S:TAS and JLU)

  2. Another belter from the vanguard bears.

    We NEED another sugar daddy! The option of living within any sort of means is a laughable concept.


    To be honest there are some reasonable points snuck in there.

    Tell me we are moving forward by capping our wage system to live well within our means, tell me youth will be given a chance. If you don’t have the plan or vision, then please leave now and allow someone else to take us forward.
    I want someone who can bring on youth, someone who isn’t afraid to play youth and someone who has a long term plan. I’ll accept being in this division for a couple of seasons If It’s for our long term benefit

    It's a crying shame that some Bears are only just realising this. They should have done it 3 years ago, but, they didn't and we get the great situation we are in now. Armageddon has hit and things couldn't be better :D

  3. Funnily enough the trailer made me think of both Drive and American Psycho. Which definitely is no bad thing, definitely going to see this.

    I went into the film thinking it would be a mashup of the two and it kind of is and kind of isn't. A cracking film, beautiful and some of the best shots in a film I've seen this year.

  4. A yes voter who has had 'people get in my face more often who are Yes voters than those who are No supporters'

    What are you saying that makes them get in your face? I don't know anyone who has been subjected to such aggression apart from some campaigners, but none from their own side.

    Despite living in Scotland for 28 years of my life I have an English accent so people assume a lot. Although I'm voting yes I'm very skeptical about a lot of what is getting said by both sides of the argument. I don't immediately call those on the no side Fuds. I question everything wether the Yes side or the No side, I don't blindly agree or disagree on the majority of things.

  5. Good point well made

    Thanks for pointing that out. I thought I'd edited that first post to say "recently most have". I missed it.

    Pat yourself on the back and feel the glow of righteousness for spotting an inconsistency in what I have been saying. It doesn't change anything. I'm still voting Yes.

  6. Wow, we've had different experiences. Who'd have thought it. As for that, why would I bother lying? I've no interest in it. I've been discussing independence since I was old enough to vote, it's a subject that inflames passionate responses from both sides. Sometimes those responses fall into arguments and slagging, more often it doesn't. Just because you've had little to no negative experiences during your discussions doesn't mean that everyone has.

  7. So your experience.....backed up by...errr nothing.

    Stop spreading Daily Mailesque rubbish.

    Without doubt there are fuds in both camps. Its just the no camp has more of them.

    My experience is just that mine. I didn't say it held true over all, only in that every discussion I've ever been involved in degenerates to a slagging match.

    As for spreading anything rubbish? By claiming that the No campaign has more Fuds you're doing the exact same thing, do you have hard numbers backing that claim up? Or is it just an opinion based on your experiences?

  8. Seen a no voter on my twitter say they are terrified to voice opinions as yes campaigners may assault them :blink

    I was also told this by yesterday's better together campaigner.

    Quite interesting they're now claiming they're too scared to say they're voting no.

    To be honest, in my experience this is true (Not getting assaulted). A lot of Yes supporters get almost militantly argumentative when someone says that they are going to vote No and just badger people. I've had people get in my face more often who are Yes voters than those who are No supporters (although to be fair there's been a few). Walking round Glasgow you see loads of Yes stickers but very few No stickers and imho it's because people don't want the hassle that goes with it.

  9. Eric Clapton at the SSE Hydro. Fucker walked off after 90 minutes of playing after he seemingly fucked up the set order. Band came back on with him played one song then they left. Crowd expected an encore got the lights turned on. First time I've heard booing in a long time.

  10. American Hustle - David O Russell has obviously been on a Goodfellas spree with this film borrowing heavily from that era's Scorsese style of film making, he's made a pretty decent Character driven piece here. I liked how the story told to Bradley Cooper by Louis C.K was pretty much the main arc for the two "brothers" of the film (Bale and Renner) 8/10

    Out of the Furnace - A slow building movie with an amazing cast. Christian Bale stars (again) in another role where he is solid. 7/10

    Apocalypse Now - What is there to say about this movie other than 10/10 I have the Redux version which bumps the length to over 3 hours still to watch which I'm looking forward to.

    Elysium - Neil Blokamps follow up to District 9, not as great as D9 but keeping to similar themes of that film. Some cracking effects and a quite frankly batshit villain in Sharlto Copleys Kruger. Not a perfect film but an enjoyable "Hard Sci Fi" film based on an original(ish) concept. 6.5/10

  11. I went to see it last night with the girlfriend who wasn't very keen on it, but I guess I knew it really wasn't her sort of film and I just dragged her along since I love Irvine Welsh's work. The film done the book justice. Absolutely tremendous performance from McAvoy.

    Though there was a disturbing lack of tapeworm. Though I guess that would have been hard to implement in the film tbh.

    I was wondering about the tapeworm tbh. I need to go see this film, if just for the photocopier bit (part of it is in the trailer :) )

  12. I have now watched xmen wolverine and have to say I enjoyed that as well, not quite as much as first class but still good.

    Right at the end though it looked like james mcavoy aged by about 30 years,not sure what the time difference is meant to be

    At the end of Wolverine? That's Patrick Stewart who plays Xavier in the original 3 films

  13. The summary is:

    Rangers allegedly did a lot of bad things

    Administrators allegedly had conflict of interest

    Blue Knights moaned a bit

    50 players/staff/directors paid via EBTs

    No one has the guts to properly punish Rangers

    Everyone waiting for someone else to finish the beast off means that they will get away with it

    Cheers. So there was nothing really unexpected in the program then, cool.

  14. why does it deserve to be reviewed differently? couldn't we then say that movies like a serbian film deserve an excellent rating, seeing as they do exactly what their set out to do - be disgusting, shocking and controversial?

    8.9 is a scandalous rating imo

    Every Genre of movie should be reviewed and held up against films of it's own kind. The Avengers is a comic book superhero movie and should be judged on that, will it win Oscars or get nominated? No of course not, that doesn't make it a bad movie. You don't compare Apples with Oranges. The 8.9 score on IMDB is representative of those who enjoyed it and it is an enjoyable movie but not everyone will enjoy it and most of those won't see the movie because they know their own tastes.

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