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Big G...

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Posts posted by Big G...

  1. Game gone into admin today...oddly their adminsitrators have not chosen to negotiate with any employess, they have instantly shut half the stores. http://www.bbc.co.uk...siness-17512143

    Was just going to post this. No messing with those guys. Admin announced at 11 a.m. and "You're shut" by 4.30. No discussions, no offers of 75% wage cuts, nothing! Maybe Duff and Fudd could take a few lessons from PWC ( The Administrators for Game)

  2. I have just spent the past half hour laughing at some of the ludicrous posts on Livi Lions. I have always been quite sympathetic to the Livi cause, with regard to not wanting to see the fans lose their club, whilst advocating that the Club have to be punished for their misdemeanours, but my patience is wearing rather thin.

    It is everyones fault except those who are to blame. It is a true saying, "there are none so blind as those who will not see!" The SFA are corrupt ( even though it was an independent panel, including a High Court judge!), the SFL, who have been found to have followed the rules, Airdrie, Cowdenbeath, The Trust.....ad infinitum. Unbelievable stuff. Funny how none of them seem to want to lay the blame at their own door.

    They talk of greed and corruption, but never while looking in the proverbial mirror.

    They now want to ban anyone from the board who is not singing from the "everyone is corrupt, and has it in for Livi" hymn sheet

  3. Oh! :huh:

    & here I was thinking that everyone had softened towards Livi but all you are doing is saving it all up ready for the ultimate Livi bash. Dearie me, I can't bloody wait! :(

    Now now PLL. Where in my posts have I ever "bashed" Livi??? I do have thoughts on the subject, which I post here regularly, but I think you will find that I have never been one of the " let them die " brigade.

    Yes, I have always said they should be punished for repeated misdemeanours, and for the way that they have conducted themselves towards the creditors, and even the players. But I have always stated that I would not want Livi to die. Live within their means , yes. Go out of the game altogether, no.

  4. Come on, something happen at Livi!! I'm fed up logging into this thread and find another day has gone by, when all that has been discussed is the rights and wrongs of stickers being applied to the cludgie walls of the B and G club in berwick. We want some real discussion topics to read and contribute to. So come on Livi, tell the SFA to get the finger out the rectum and deal with your appeal. Tell them that there are a torrent of words still to be contributed to this Forum.

    Oh and MBozza, you were soundly scudded on the Stomp. Give up while you're ahead.

    Oh, and you are a knob-end.

  5. Thank you, I thought as much but could not find anyone who could answer on Livilions, I also have a huge guilt trip after reading an article on East Stirling's losses & don't really feel this should be just brushed aside, considering if it had happened to my club I'd be screaming from the rooftops! All clubs are finding it hard at the moment without extra piled on top. I'm glad the game is on tomorrow too to cause less disruption to everyone dragged into this sorry mess.

    I think you probably mean unwilling to answer. It seems that anything which might be construed as being detrimental to the Institution that is Livingston FC is swept under the carpet vigorously. The answer would also probably have to contain the words "paying", "other", and "people" at some point, therefore no discussion would be welcomed on that Board

  6. I shall allow you that pleasure this time as I am the winner of the 10,000th post. ;)

    I think we both know that not to be strictly true!! I have started the appeals process! :P

    Anyway, I hope to be watching footy at that time tomorrow :D ( I could have been cruel and mentioned a division- but I won't!! Some of your colleagues, I might have though!)

  7. Don't for one moment believe that McDougall and the (silent...) Rankine don't have a handle on what they are doing. These men are experienced in Scottish football. In any scenario of conflict one group must be right and one wrong, of course, but these men clearly believe they can win.

    Personally, I'm just sick of it all. Livi broke the rules -> Livi were punished -> Livi appealed the punishment (causing massive disruption by scratching) -> the SFL clubs upheld the punishment with 2/3 in favour. Livingston then run off to the SFA, with apparently no reasonable grounds on which to appeal either their being found guilty, or being punished...? It all just makes no sense!!

    Meanwhile, other clubs lose games / fans go without matches / our games image gets tarnished.

    I think you may have hit the nail square on the head there mate. Its the old "there were 6 of them attacked me but I managed to boot 2 of them in the stones before I went down " analogy.

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