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Big G...

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Posts posted by Big G...

  1. Would I be wrong to suggest that the longer this goes on the better it actually is for Livi. I mean if there was an overwhelming consensus surely it would be done by now.. On the flip side it might just be that they are now debating whether to chuck them out completely..Of course they might just be involved in a massive game of Jenga.. ;)

    .....or comparing nob sizes, and seeing who can piss the highest up the urinal.

  2. It's ok you are only required to submit £500 as quickly as possible,I fancy your chances.

    Hmmmmm....now theres a thought. If I appeal. can I claim that I still have the 10,000th post, even though the actual figure shows 9,990-something? I will refuse to post again, claiming that I still own post number 10,000, and it would be prejudicial to my appeal if I posted using another post number

  3. I can see Livi garnering a few votes out of the 28 (or 29?) available but no more than a handful.

    If Livi are given a suspended punishment for not playing ES, or a warning, what are your views?

    I agree that they may get a few votes, but certainly no-where near enough to overturn the decision. If the clubs vote against the decision of the LMC, then I think we would be looking at internal warfare within the SFL. The clubs have to be seen to be backing up the Office Bearers they elected to make these decisions on all of their behalfs.

    I can't see the SFL handing out anything less than a points deduction for the ES no-show. However, nothing in this whole sordid affair, would surprise me any more. What would they suspend it against? Not showing up next week? The week after? The next time Livi are involved in a no-show is going to be if they fold altogether. They have to be punished for the ES absence NOW,

    Maybe the SFL will feel that Livi have been punished enough, and , as you say, issue a warning as to their future conduct. However, this was a calculated act, designed to disrupt the league programme, and as such, should be treated as a seperate issue, and punitive action should be immediate.

    I have gone on record as having absolutely no truck with the genuine, honest Livi supporters in this, having gone through the death throes of my own club not many years ago. Several of them have come on here recognising that the club have been in the wrong, and should face the consequences. For those I mentioned above, I would not wish those consequences to be the death of their club.

    Football is an emotive subject, especially when it comes to our own clubs, and I can see why so many of the Livi fans get wound up. I've been there, done it, worn the t-shirt. Its not easy to stand back and be objective when your club is going down the tubes, and its easy to say they should stand back and be objective.

    I might get ripped here, but i wish them all the best to re-group, and be able to support a club that will learn the lessons of the past, and work within their means.

  4. They're on both. I'd assume though that SPL games will generally be on SS3 and SS HD3 for Sky and just the normal ESPN and the ESPN HD channel for ESPN.

    ESPN package is free on all Virgin Media packages during the month of August, but only free on XL after that. The ESPN HD channel is also free, but you need the V+ box, and and HD telly ( obviously!!)

    On the other packages, it will be £8, if you have Sky Sports, or £10 without Sky Sports.


  5. 76.4 The appeal shall, however, be deemed to have succeeded unless the decision of the Management

    Committee is supported by a majority of the votes cast at the said Special General Meeting.

    Appeal received and acknowledged by the SFL on Friday pm. Livi remain in Division 1 till appeal is heard. Livi offer to play at Ross County. Strangely refused by SFL who in effect were ignoring their own rules regarding Saturday's fixtures. They are confused poor things. They have been asked to think more than once in a week. Sad for them I am. :rolleyes:

    I'm getting deja vu. Didn't I read this 30 pages ago?

  6. Yes I'm well aware of what happened but the effect was that the leaugue membership of one club was transferred to another

    Listen, here's a wee secret. Don't tell anybody this, but no, it didn't. They are ACTUALLY the same club under a different name!! Gonnae no tell anyone. Let's just keep it between me and you.......oops....too late.......everybody else seems to understand it.....except you!!

  7. I feel for the Livingston fan who was waving pound notes down Cappielow during our troubles. Karma's a fucking bitch.

    Thats why I said we shouldn't tar them all with the same brush. There are fans of every club who I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire, but I am a supporter of a lower league club in scotland, who has been through what is happening to Livi just now, and while I have absolutely no sympathy for the Club and the way it was run, I do have empathy with the genuine fans of the club.

  8. I think Massone is going to take this to the wire. I just get the feeling there is something we didn't know about going to raise its head. Massone isn't going to walk away for that amount of money if he thinks he can catch a bigger fish. Why else would he be hanging round until this stage? There could be an endgame still to come into play which could take us all by surprise.

    If, however, it does all end in tears for the Livi fans, then I am looking forward to what should be an absolute cracker of a farewell speech from the Mad-one. Everyone in the world will be blamed from Barack Obama to Dr Who.

    Having been through it, I do genuinely feel for the Livi fans who have only tried to support their club. Like most fans, they weren't party to the internal politics of the Boardroom, and as such, couldn't influence the crazy spending habits of those in charge. I think it is unfair to tar them all with the same brush, and most of them realise they have been caught up in something which has spread more out of control than Jordans legs.

    I have followed this thread with a great deal of interest ( not self-interest, it has to be said), and there have been a lot of very good points made, and a lot of very good arguments debated. At the end of the day, whatever your viewpoint, real people have been, and are still to be, affected by this whole sorry affair. Thats the sad part about it.

  9. You don't have to be a lawyer to represent yourself in court - anyone can be a "party litigant", perhaps Suntan Sheridan being the most recent, high profile case.

    Obviously some semblance of knowledge of the law helps, right enough!

    Party litigant cannot represent another person, or represent the rights of another legal entity, like a Registered Company

    Tommy Sheridan was able to represent himself, but would not have been able to put a case forward for his wife, for example.

  10. :lol: I'm far from pleased with the situation if that's what you're thinking. I'm just trying to look at the positives and when you have a lot of creditors that's hard to do.

    Is he not representing himself considering he's a lawyer? Perhaps my ignorance is letting me down again but wouldn't that situation mean we wouldn't have to pay fees to anyone representing us?

    He's an Italian lawyer.....in Italian law! If you have a court case in Scotland, you need a Scottish lawyer. Similarly if you were "lifted" in England, and required representation, then you would hire an English lawyer.

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