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Posts posted by Pesadilla

  1. 8 minutes ago, Eric the half a b said:

    Nice to see happy Diamonds well done to all at the club what a difference with two good midfielders and some good attacking football credit to the manager too.

    Difficult games ahead pity we can't be there in person let's hope we we play in the same vein ♦️

    Genuinely don't know if it's a blessing in disguise that our fans wont be there. We've the most moaning faced bunch of cun+s who'd turn milk at the thought of a misplaced pass. 

    Unlike some other play off's we're hitting this one in a decent vein of form and can rightly be optimistic.

    But you just know....it's Airdrie.

  2. 4 minutes ago, troy said:

    Leagues of 10 are boring make less leagues and more teams in them. 

    See this pish....

    We've one of the tightest leagues in the UK here. There's pretty much all to play for. Nothing had been decided (until yesterday) but it's boring.

    The playoff system in Scotland has been a resounding success (despite my own teams utter failure every time) with huge fan buy in and guarantee's an exciting end to the season, the percentage of possible team turnover in any of our lower leagues has to be one of the highest in Europe.

    What needs to change is distribution of money and the playoff between the Championship and the Premier to be brought in line with all the others.

    I'm afraid that when this hurried balls up of a reconstruction is over - within a season there will be some clamouring to do it again...and again....

    We've got a pyramid system in place, we've got most teams reaching the tickly bit of the season with something to play for....but fucksake let change it.

  3. 10 hours ago, DiamondJack85 said:

    Null and void is apparently not even an option as sponsors and TV companies would be legally entitled to claim back money from the league if its not completed. The same money that the SPFL hands out as prize money at the end of the season so no sponsor or TV money would mean no prize money and many teams would end up going to the wall.

    That's for the courts. I'd imagine like most contracts of this nature there would be some form of force majeure clause. I'm sure the league could argue that sponsors have had a significant advertising window and any monies paid back would be minimal - that's even if the sponsors chose to go to court on it...same with the TV.

    The 14/10/10/10 option was mentioned a week or so ago - and it makes us one of the biggest losers in the whole set up, ironically along with Dundee. I can't see that happening to be honest - you've got at assume Dundee have been promised more.

    Either way, it should have been voided. You don't call the result of an abandoned game. Reconstruction should only be carefully considered and be a long term move to even the monetary gap in the game. We're rushing this through because the SPFL have made a total balls up of the situation. 

    From a selfish perspective, we'd have probably been in a sounder financial position than Falkirk or Raith next year had it been nullified, I hear both are in deep do-doo.

  4. So what other solution is out there apart from calling the league?

    We wait to see what plays out from UEFA and other governing bodies. We've rushed this. Rumours of coersion are rife. It stinks.And under the circumstances we’ve found ourselves in - voiding the league would be fairer. This will end up in the courts - especially clubs like Thistle who were two behind safety with a game in hand.



  5. 6 minutes ago, Passionate said:

    The prize money owed varies from tabloid to tabloid,  it is very much a grey area if we are going by what the For far chairman claimed that they were owed 3.7k from there overall prize money that apparently gets paid in 3 instalments......  If we go with these figures Airdrie are due in the region of 19k.     Overall season  prize money for finishing third is 87.5k

    Supposedly when play was suspended a substantial amount of the final payment was given. Read Stranraer's statement on the finances.


  6. It's a shambles. Airdrie as a club lurch from one disaster to the next. Just when the furore of the Trust argument had settled down somewhat, the inexplicable vote to shoot our own cock and balls off. The club come up with the well publicised - and well received - begging bowl in the form of Club 1924 then castrate our league campaign without a by your leave, especially to the hundreds of season ticket holders who've saw their value for money purchase go up in smoke.

    From my understanding of the other thread on the matter - we're due an outstanding £4k or so - why on earth would we vote to lose any chance of promotion for such a paltry (in the scheme of things) sum?

    This is actually why we needed a Trust to hold the board to account rather than the odd cabal we have at the moment.

  7. Just now, San Starko Rover said:

    The transfer window means virtually nothing at our level, how many of the players in this league are not free transfers? Once the contacts expire in June there is no way of stopping them from moving clubs  if they choose.  Yes they might all decide to stay where they are but then again they might not.  How are you going to force them to stay?

    That's where leadership from the governing bodies needs to come in. Are we really expected to believe that this cannot be worked out? The players who've signed a pre-contracts new club will most likely be in Scotland (players at our level tend not to be going to serie A) and therefore their new club is in the same boat regarding the remainder of a season.

    FFS - the rest of Europe are suffering the same questions yet we in Scotland must have it finalised yesterday, it makes no sense.

  8. 2 minutes ago, San Starko Rover said:

    No it's down to health concerns which will still exist, a player playing a contact sport is not the same as you going back to the office the SPFA will still have the same concerns and we'll be lucky to see next season let alone this one.  I tell you what i'll make a gentleman's bet with you that if we're back playing the end of the season in mid June i'll donate £50 to Airdrie's fund and if we're not you can donate £50 to ours.  

    I think it's unlikely that we'll be playing the end of the season in June given the way the vote has gone, but it certainly would be preferable than a call.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Paco said:


    85% of actual clubs, including your own, have already voted to end the season because there is no chance it will finish.

    This has been discussed in great detail. You won’t even be out for a pint or a Frankie & Benny’s by June, let alone watching football. The season will not finish. Move on.


    I said fans mate, not clubs.

    I completely disagree with the way my club voted, as will many fans of many clubs throughout the leagues. The rumours of coercion and bribery make it even more distasteful.

    I don't live near a Frankie and Benny's so will take your word on that, however I'd wager I'll be in my local before then.

  10. 6 minutes ago, San Starko Rover said:

    As i said earlier the Scottish PFA said early on no to closed door matches. 


    Yeah, that's given the restrictions at the time. 

    If the restrictions are modified to allow small gatherings of people, then closed door football could commence. It'd be an entirely feasible way of ramping back up to normal life.

    Plus I could get a coupon on.... 

  11. 4 minutes ago, raith1974 said:

    The season needs to be called promotion and relegation sorted so teams can get back to planning for the start of next season whenever that may  be. 

    It really doesn't. All clubs are in the same boat and with sensible proposals on contract extensions etc, the season can continue. It's up to the SPFL to hand out a percentage of prize money to allow teams to survive this - then we continue. 

    It's quite telling that the only fans here who want the season called are from Rovers,


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