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Everything posted by Jamie_B

  1. That one was a bit of a head scratcher when it popped up on Facebook yesterday. I didn't see it in either of the print editions when they came through during the day! Totally bizarre.
  2. Managed my first sub 25 minute 5k yesterday. Thought my iPhone was broken when it said I'd done the first mile in 8 minutes and the second in 7:44 but it was right! Pleasing.
  3. Wish I could sleep til 8am before the wee man got up like her. Got to love the Tully for printing that.
  4. If this is going to be a collection of ridiculous court stories I'll delve into my archives and pull you out some crackers, all of which are taking the piss out of Dundonians and Fifers, which is obviously entirely fair. A starter for ten: A MAN who went on the Jeremy Kyle Show instead of doing his community service was today jailed for six months. Alister Lamb was convicted last year of stealing a string of items - including a TOILET SEAT - from a flat in Dundee. On November 11 last year Sheriff Tom Hughes imposed 200 hours of unpaid work in the community as part of a community payback order instead of sending Lamb to jail. But Lamb - who has previous convictions for cannabis possession and assault to injury - completed only one hour of work between that date and April 10 this year. And when asked by social workers why he hadn't done the work he told them he had missed appointments because he had been filming an episode of the Jeremy Kyle Show. He had gone on the show in a bid to get access to his daughter from a previous relationship. His lawyer told Dundee Sheriff Court: "It wasn't as if he went on with stars in his eyes, simply snubbing the court - he felt it was an appropriate way to deal with matters." But Sheriff Hughes said: "This was not a licence for you to ignore the order and go off on your own daft frolics like appearing on television shows rather than doing the work asked of you." Lamb, 23, of Baldovie Terrace, Dundee, previously admitted a charge of theft by housebreaking. He and another man broke into a flat occupied by William Wallace in Whitfield Avenue, Dundee, between February 11 and 12 last year. They stole a television, an xBox console and accessories, ornaments and a train set. Bizarrely, the pair also stole a toilet seat in the raid. In a report submitted to Dundee Sheriff Court outlining the breach of his order, social workers said: "It would appear that Mr Lamb has not afforded his orders due priority which is evidenced by his continued failures to attend. "His most recent evidence to cover absences was an appearance on TV, namely the Jeremy Kyle Show. "He reports that he now has access to his children which he contributes to his recent apeprance on the Jeremy Kyle Show. "There has been no other substantial changes in his circumstances that should preclude him from attending. "Mr Lamb again has not afforded his order due priority. "This despite having been granted extensive periods of time in which to submit evidence. "Even when evidence has been submitted and accepted I have no option but to call in to question his commitment to his order given the most recent evidence used was an appearance on the Jeremy Kyle Show. "I therefore have no alternative but to request that court consider revoking said order in view to imposing an alternative disposal."
  5. DHD-it's from more or less outside Bells, up northwards to the golf course, up on to the grass path round the back of the golf course, round a little circle at the top end of the golf course and back down. If you look on the Parkrun website you'll see the course map. I'll certainly give it a go now and then!
  6. Anyone else do the British Heart Foundation Edinburgh 10k today? Talk about hills... Some cretin told me it wasn't too hilly as you just ran round the base of Arthur's Seat. The lying b*****d. You started at the Scottish Parliament, ran basically 2/3 up Arthur's Seat, back down to Parliament, then back up the hill and down again. The second time up was a serious struggle. Did it in 57 minutes dead - I was targeting 55, which I was on for after one circuit but the uphill killed me the second time round. Had it been flat I'd have been confident of a 52. 57 though was 13 minutes best than my previous 10k PB!
  7. Is there a stream anywhere for the U-21 game tongiht?
  8. Excellent, another guy with a dubious at best track record getting more involved! More good news!
  9. Played on Friday morning and hit a 92. Should easily have been below 90 but had a couple of silly 7s back to back early in the back nine. Thy include an incredible trick shot, however, that id submit no-one has ever managed before or will again. I hit it from where this pic was taken, between the boughs of this tree (just above the yellow mark where the wood is only about six inches apart) then straight into the front of that tiny wee tree slightly to the left. That tree is only about three golf balls wide. Incredible tekkers.
  10. Djokovic out after losing in three sets to Isner. Murray and Berdych on serve in the first set. I think that means Murray will close the ranking points gap to Djokovic just a little bit even if he doesn't go any further in the tournament? Djoko was runner up here last year while Murray had very little to defend!
  11. Played two rounds on the same course this week - hit a 92 on Tuesday and 93 today. On Tuesday I putted ridiculously well - knocking in two 30 footers and one ridiculous putt from off the green with a 45 degree break on it. But today my putting was just garbage, with my score saved with some great stuff off the tee. If I putted as well today as I did on Tuesday I'd have made 82/83 at worst. Instead I proceeded to miss more than once from inside three feet. I played some good consistent stuff today - my worst score on any hole was a six - and I also made par on a 500 yard par 5 which was nice!
  12. I also started my round with 7-7, annoyingly taking 5 to get it down from 30 yards off the green at the first. I then went 4-4-4-5-5-4-5-5-5-4-4, which was brilliant for me, most consistent I'd ever played. Then blew it at the end!
  13. Basically the same for me today. Played brilliant first 13 holes then hit 8-7-5-5-7 to finish. The two fives were both on par threes. Nightmare!
  14. Had a disastrous round at the North Inch today. Just couldn't get going. However, despite being four shots adrift of my playing partner as I got on the 18th tee - a 500 yard par 5 - I still managed to win. I finally actually started hitting half decent, getting down in 6 (should have parred it, poor first putt!), while the guy I was playing with, who'd barely put a shot wrong in the previous four or five holes - took 11, meaning I won by one!
  15. Ah, probably working that morning unfortunately!
  16. Could be tempted if there's to be a P&B (east) golf day!
  17. I see the issue now-there's a four ball ahead of us. There are now five groups within one hole of each other. Beautiful course though.
  18. Tempted. That's now for holes in a row I've been stood behind them as they tee off. No idea what they're doing between holes-I just hit my second at a par four as they walked towards the next hole. I finished up and they were still on the tees when I got here.
  19. Currently playing at drumoig-beautiful course in north east fife, immaculately kept and perfect weather. Unfortunately I have time to post on here from the 7th tee due to some startling ignorance from the couple in front. I've had to queue behind them on the last three tees without so much as an acknowledgement, never mind an invitation to play through. They're trundling along at a snails pace as well.
  20. Was wondering that-is there a breakdown somewhere of the points?
  21. Not sure yet! Just in case Saints get a European draw that's not too far away!
  22. Little man is 10 weeks now, unbelievable how quick it's gone! Elliott's doing great, very vocal and smiley and cute! That's going to be his first passport picture!
  23. Hope you got out before the rain!
  24. Could easily be the biggest winning margin in a final the way this is going. The third frame last night was utterly ridiculous.
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