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Everything posted by No8.

  1. I have mentioned it once. You have mentioned Bennett twice at least this morning . Anyway how much did you contribute and was it money well spent?
  2. I actually thought it was a piss poor Follow Follow wind up but this shit is actually for real Absolutely mind meltingly fucked in the head every last one of them. Brilliant all the same
  3. I was away in London and only got back on Monday evening. I did look in to see if there were any developments and that was it. As far as the 'chink of light'.... A LIGHT...IT SHONE IN THE NIGHT SOMEWHERE AHEAD......
  4. I almost feel sorry for the Ps & Ds......Almost but not there yet. I actually worry about wee Dhenbhoys well being when this is all over and Rangers are back in their rightful place lording it over the rest of Scottish Football.
  5. I would have hoped to keep hold of him until we had these b*****ds out of the boardroom and then hopefully build a team around him but there you go. I don't want to see any player held back and if he thinks he is ready then fair enough. Absolutetly no seethe whatsoever. Good luck to him and if i am anywhere near Brentford in the future and he is playing i might go along and see him play. Not quite sure how close Brentford is to Wimbledon but i ll have a look when i am down there
  6. He's at it and not worth even replying to. It is like the 'Killie supporter' desperately trying to get somebody to bite by describing Brentford as a bigger club. It is no more than pathetic attempts at attention seeking and best ignored.
  7. That is actually quite true. The Northwest whatever Motorbike thingy is huge there. Last time i looked though celtic didn't have a motorbike team and that was the ridiculous earlier claim that Belfast was a celtic stronghold
  8. I dont think it. I know it. I dont know one Belfast celtic supporter..Not one! I dont know one person from the loyalist community...not one who isnt a Rangers supporter.
  9. Ffs .... You still dont get this at al. It wasnt the Dublin RSC who originally coined the phrase. It was an Irish journalist. Find him and ask him who he believes Have enemies among his countrymen
  10. It is Shull we are talking about...Even Shull doesn't take Shull seriously.
  11. You are taking the word of somebody who claims Belfast is a celtic stronghold As for me fecking off earlier ... I went to work Now take a deep breath and tell us what Rangers zero tolerance regarding Racism and Sectarianism has to do with this banner? While you are doing that you can tell us all what you find so offensive in this banner?
  12. I am just wondering where you stand on the Tax issue..I take it you instruct your accountant to make sure you pay the absolute maximum.
  13. The Dublin RSC ran a campaign to right the injustice and fortunately common sense prevailed and the flag was allowed back in.
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