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Everything posted by No8.

  1. It was a mental decision in the first place and fighting discrimination does not mean you just roll over and allow every crackot such as Phil 3names to dictate what is and what is not allowed within your stadium I just read an article by him on the Jon Daly signing. Almost as mental as Rangers banning that Flag.
  2. Supporting Glasgow Rangers in Dublin must fell like living behind enemy lines. But when 35-strong Dublin Rangers Supporters' Club raised a banner bearing that inscription at a recent match against Falkirk at Ibrox stadium, police ordered them to remove their "sectarian" banner. The flag, which bears the legend Behind Enemy Lines, along with the Rangers crest and the Scottish and St. George's Cross flags, was confiscated at the match on the instructions of police, for fear of it inticing sectarian hatred. The 20 travelling Irish supporters, who claim they have fallen foul of political correctness, were warned by stewards not to display the flag at subsequent matches. Steve Clark, co-founder of the supporters' club said the reference is a tongue-in-cheek allusion to supporting the club in a city dominated by fans of Glasgow Celtic, Rangers' greatest rivals. "Its a cheeky bit of fun, nothing more. It has nothing to do with the troubles or bigotry," he said. "We flew the banner against hearts in December and previously at an away match in Barcelona and had no problems, so we were very disappointed by the police's stance. "We are hoping to meet with the club before the next match . we're scheduled to attend on March 22 against Hibernian to convince them to overturn the ban. "The Rangers Supporters' Trust, which represents fans, backs us, and more than 1,000 fans have signed a petition in support of us." In a statement, Glasgow Rangers said it fully supported the police's decision to remove the banner. Rangers fans in Dublin already live a surreptitious existence meeting at a private members club to watch matches. "We have normal working-class Dubliners in the club, with no links to Glasgow, but none of us would wear a Rangers jersey in a Dublin pub, as it's asking for trouble," said Clark. "If we're attending a Rangers-Celtic match, we fly out of Belfast, where wearing a Rangers jersey is more acceptabke and less likely to lead to a confrontation." The supporters' club was formed in 2001 and has 35 permanant members. "When we first set up, an Irish journalist interviewed a group of us and said it must be like being behind enemy lines; thats where we got our slogan said Clark. Richard Benjamin, a director of Nil by mouth, an anti-sectarian organisation based in Glasgow, said he sympathised with the Irish Rangers fans. "The slogan is open to interpretation and it's no surprise to hear it was allowed at one match and not another." he said "There are too many grey areas. Partisan chanting and slogans are part of the great rivalry and we dont want to lose that." ETA The clubs response when the Dublin RSC tried to get the ban lifted And here was the actual reply sent by Rangers FC to their Dublin fans: The club position on this banner and the position of many others I have spoken to is that this slogan is not humorous at all and reflects back to the period of trouble in Ireland and such references are not welcome in our club. It is not reasonable to suggest that you could be arrested for cracking a joke. In fact it is patently ridiculous. No one has ever been arrested or banned for this at our stadium. People are arrested for breaking the law and have the right to dispute this in court. In relation to the slogan in question can you tell me where the humour is? Also can you tell me who the enemy are? Finally where are the enemy lines referred to in this slogan. Many objective observers would ask the same questions. I regret I can be of no further assistance to you on this subject.
  3. It was a newspaper headline used by an Irish Newspaper to describe the Dublin Rangers supporters club.. The Dublin Rangers Club enjoyed the joke and decided to put it on their flag. Far from being allowed to parade it around the ground the club actually banned them from even brigning it into the stadium.
  4. Or maybe HMRC wanted to make an example of a large football club so that they could set a precedence when chasing other clubs for what they believed they owed. With Rangers they could do this and get headline news without upsetting the anybody in the English Premier League.
  5. Deary me. It is morally disgusting for a company to legally pay as little tax as possible but it is morally delightful to watch a company be liquidated and for people to lose their jobs.
  6. What is wrong with Traditional songs? As long as they are not offensive then i don't see any problem. I have never understood why people get offended by the 'Behind Enemy Line' headline from an Irish newspaper. Rangers cannot be held responsible for what individual crackpots say online. What a ridiculous thing to say. Other clubs have accused Rangers of bigotry in recent years. Does that make them bigoted themselves? Yep they certainly are all about rooting out the vocal minority and have taken direct action to do so which is why we have banned over 1000 supporters and have been used by UEFA as an example of what a football club can achieve by taking positive action to fight discrimination of any kind I would like to add that i don't think we should become complacent at all and i know there is a long way to go before we are anywhere near perfect but i have follow followed home and away since the early 80s and there is a huge difference between then and now. There has been a huge differnece in the last 5 years or so.....i was going to say the last 3 years but that would have been too easy for the likes of hbqc,stoney etc
  7. If you are really that interested you could always contact the club directly and ask them. I am sure they would be more than happy to help you out and they would be a lot more accurate than the figures Youngsy will be able to offer (no offence to Youngsy).
  8. Using a LEGAL tax loophole was not 'suicidal running of the club'. 5000 other companies used this same method of tax avoidance including many other football clubs such as Arsenal and Chelsea. Both these clubs were allowed to settle for around 10% of what HMRC said they owed. HMRC refused to settle with Rangers and pursued them and are still pursuing them for what? They did not act any differently than these English clubs..Where was Salmond when a Scottish company was being treated differently from English companies for the same 'offence'?
  9. Only the HMRC tax bill kept others from investing in 2012. Rangers bank debt had been halved to under £18 million when Murray was forced to sell. That debt was easily manageable if the right people had been able to invest.
  10. Yeh. So weird that UEFA have used Rangers as an example of what a club can do to fight Racism and Bigotry
  11. There have been 1000+ banned for various offences. Not sure out of those that have been banned how many were life long bans but any banned for racist or sectarian offences are always banned for life
  12. We certainly are. Some more 'cuddly' than others......Diet starts mid January.
  13. No. There is a pretty decent Flute Band with Everton in their name. I don't remember ever saying Everton were a Loyalist club but within the Loyalist community of Liverpool they are the team most of them follow.
  14. Steve Davis? Allan McGregor? Who cares? Alfie Conn did it and worked in a Rangers pub after he retire. Kenny Miller has been welcomed by the Rangers support not once but twice since he signed for Celtic. Would Mo Jo be welcomed at celtic? Would Mo Jo get a job in Bar 67?
  15. And now a 'Kilmarnock supporter'....Diddies fascination with football and religion continues. Let it go FFS.
  16. I knew it was something like that. A Hibs fan and a Kilmarnock fan bring up religion and a Thistle fan has a wee rant about it. As i said last night ....time to move on. You need to leave all this bigotry in past.
  17. You could have actually tried to answer some of the points raised or tried to defend the actions of the celtic support in trying to intimidate RCs who signed for Rangers. It is comparable to Gerry Adams complaining that the RUC was overwhelmingly Protestant while at the same time being the joint commander of an organisation who had sworn to kill any RC who joined the RUC
  18. FAO Fat Larry....I mentioned the RC school in Kirkcaldy in REPLY to this post. It was later that Kildog brought up Religion by making a comment about Rangers signing policy. Not really surprised that you failed to notice this with your obvious blinkered views.
  19. I remember being about 10 or 11 and some drunk coming up to me inside Ibrox and saying 'There are 2 things i hate in this world. Religious bigots and Roman Catholics'..He staggered away pissing himself laughing and i went away and looked up the word bigot because as a 10 year old who had recently moved to the West Coast i had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. I cant say i gave the signing policy much thought. I was only 21 when we signed MoJo. If you want to talk about the way the supporters treat players from either side take Alfie Conn as an example. Played for Rangers and then went and played for celtic. When he retired he got a job working in a Rangers supporters bar in Glasgow. Kenny Miller is well thought of by the Rangers support and always welcome at any club function. Now imagine MoJo getting a job in Bairds Bar. In fact one of the celtic posters said on here they would shoot him if he walked into a pub here Neil McCann received numerous threats. Albetz had to move chapels and had his house attacked as he was a well known RC playing for Rangers and Nacho Novo is regularly threatened on the streets of Glasgow and had numerous death threats. The full back that played for Hearts was an Irish Catholic and admitted he never signed for Rangers as he couldn't put his family through it...Alan Maybury i believe it was.
  20. The problem with these bloggers is they seem to be able to get away with a lot more. The problem today comes from the likes of the Green Brigade. Daft wee boys playing at politics. Somebody should remind them that 'the war' is over... They lost....Again!
  21. Sorry but what the f**k are talking about ya nutter? What biased upbringing? Since when did attending Starks Park represent biased upbringing? I also went to see the Fife Flyers in the evening...now they were biased...they hated the Murrayfield Racers
  22. Ah the old signing policy nonsense. I don't know how anybody could have an account with RBS due to their past employment policy. Or do we not talk about the National Banks employment policy? Do we not talk about the Commercial Banks employment policy? There were many businesses that had discriminatory employment policies , including the BBC, but those days are , in the main, behind us. Time to move on.
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