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  1. Only the Board can explain that one but would hazard a guess those decisions were based on budget. Big budget/big expectations, small budget/league survival minimum and anything else a bonus. Would think that now the last two covid years are hopefully behind us that the club would be looking to build again on a perhaps larger budget but that's only providing they are more financially stable. There was a Facebook post a while back saying the Chairman called in a few favours to help finance the club while no spectators or hospitality so if they can stay up then could maybe be better off going into next season given the cup run would have added some funds to the coffers. Lots of talk of just "sacking" Mcinally, he's been in that job for ten years - how easy do you think it is to sack someone after that length of service? Would think there would be financial implications as well as moral ones.
  2. PFC under Neale Cooper for 3 years came 5th then 4th (out in the semi-finals as outclassed by Airdrie) and were relegated the follwing year in 10th.
  3. Agreed. Pointing the finger when the team are losing and blaming it on not having enough locals is a naive viewpoint, would think most teams trying to survive in the SPFL have to look further afield than their local area to put a competitive team on the park. I do think this sentiment may come from those who think their own lads may have made it but werent given the opportunity as there is a vocal minority who like to hammer this home whenever they are given the chance. Ironically looks like we we have a fair number of local lads in the squad this season yet this old chestnut still rears it's head. I don't get to as many games as I'd like but I do work with some diehard fans who make most games and they are fully behind this team despite the results, they can appreciate that their youth leads to inconsistent displays but are enjoying watching them evolve. I did take in the Dundee game and there is some cracking young talent there if PFC can hold on to them going forward. My view is that PFC punched above their weight early doors in the SPFL leading to speculation that they would rise through the leagues when in fact they are realistically a League 1/2 side who will see some glory occasionally but who don't have the infrastructure for the championship - we all saw what happened to Brechin after their foray into the league above! Arbroath is an amazing story but there is not a glut of Dick Campbells in the game who can do what he has done with a smaller budget. The leagues are littered with teams who have thrown everything at it but can't find success. Formartine were the moneybags a few years ago but fizzled out, Edinburgh City came in to the league all guns blazing but have stagnated mid-table in League 2. Queens Park have thrown everything but the kitchen sink at it yet part-time teams are taking points off them, Falkirk have all the resources but look like they will see another season where they are. We can't underestimate the achievements of Cove if they do get promoted, it's not an easy ask but they have good backing and are well-located to pick up ex-Abrdeen players making a buck while thinking of the next step in their career. PFC has a good reputation as a well-run club and I'm sure the board are still ambitious but that has to be tempered with keeping it financially secure as longevity and stability are key when you hear about the struggles other clubs are having.
  4. Cove are the new boys on the block and are attracting new investors just as PFC did when they came into the league, it was indeed entirely predictable. Lets be honest, fans through the gate don't keep PFC afloat - that's down to corporate hospitality and sponsorship and with the downturn over the past few years it's actually pretty admirable that PFC are still in League one - you just need to look at Elgin, a big club in the Highland League who haven't managed to get out of the bottom tier. Think expectations of PFC supporters are somewhat unrealsitic - it's not just the investment that is needed for a club to survive but manpower. Directors jump on a football board when succesful but soon tire and leave when they see the work, money and resources that are needed to keep it going. Take Rodger Morrison out of the equation and I think you'd struggle to even have a football club. It's a different era of time-poor individuals who quite understandably don't want to take on a job outwith their own where you work tirelessly, voluntarily to keep a team on the park that can compete against full-time teams. Jim is not above criticism but to attract players up North for smaller wages that are at the level needed for League One is a feat in itself. Cove have filled their squad with expensive players that have played at a higher level and are slowly sidelining the players that have got them there in preparation for the Championship, PFC are building a team on a smaller budget in the hope that they will develop into a strong squad, just have to see if they can stay up for next season to see that development.
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