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Fife Saint

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Everything posted by Fife Saint

  1. What a nightmare. The biggest moment of your life and nobody actually saw what happened!
  2. Black Keys at the Academy 28th October. Get it done folks.
  3. Yeah, you'll be fine. Go with that and they'll order a new card for you. Take something like a statement wth your sort-code numbers etc. on it.
  4. I've got myself a new phone and went with Virginmobile after checking their coverage. They are lying b*****ds and I only intermittently get signal at work, home and pub. Is there anything I can do to boost it at all? I quite like the phone (N97 Mini) and the contract deal is cracking.
  5. I remember I got a day off school once for having a nose-bleed.
  6. Perth got blitzed by a hail storm at the back of 5, it was pretty surreal.
  7. What a fucking chump you are.
  8. I feel your pain brother, I just watched Marley and Me. Son of a bitch dogs get me every time.
  9. Hurt Locker 6/10 Over-hyped beyond belief in my opinion. Weak story, weak script, unrealistic exchanges of fire, ridiculous characters. Wild Hogs 1/10 f**k me.
  10. Noticed this wee video of the new Penguins stadiumConsol Energy Center. The big boss man has gone all out to accomodate the countless fat American arses that will be planked in the seats. No expense spared.
  11. That was out of order, i've seen worse at fives in the Fife 'Stute though!
  12. I'm a bit gutted Frankie has been ejected from Dancing on Ice. I'm not going to cry or anything but it is annoying.
  13. I thought sice it was Crosby in the final that got me interested in the first place I ought to track his mob. Pens it is.
  14. I'm the same as ignoramus, the Olympics has got me interested in this. When do the playoffs start? I need a team too.
  15. Was snowing in Kirkintilloch this evening. A wee bit blew through but I reckon there could be a wee bit more tonight.
  16. The salt content shouldn't affect the freezing too much, it's more the volume and flow. The Bering sea has ebbing and flowing ice tides dependant on wind direction and air pressure. It really was an incredible sight at dawn on wednesday.
  17. That girl has taken those pics from Newburgh but they don't really do it justice. It was completely frozen with snow lying on the ice on Wednesday morning.
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