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Steve McQueen

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Everything posted by Steve McQueen

  1. It’s fairly clear that only teams that have won doubles get to represent Scotland in Europe!
  2. Let’s not ask any lower league teams, it’s not like they get a vote.
  3. I thought the penalty was soft too (again only seen live). Went to ground but no tackle? Can’t find Celtic fans tweeting it so probably not a terrible decision. We’d not get it at the other end & if we did we’d miss it anyway.
  4. Rangers saying they have 4100 ish tickets. That’ll be both ends & the slightly smaller than normal bit of the main stand?
  5. Think it all started going wrong with his north of record transfer statement that made it seem we were looking for £1.75m. if he’s stated the. we were looking for similar to Turnbull then we may not have got that but may have got more than the record.
  6. Not breaking our transfer record at least once for these 2 let alone combined is ridiculous.
  7. I’d have been delighted to only lose 1 this summer, not sure it’s was going to be that one.
  8. Dreadful game. Are St Mirren really claiming the ground was over half full?
  9. I must admit i didn't see anyone coming in for Hendry. If he can get back to the form of 2 years ago then it could work but that may just have been a purple patch.
  10. I’ve never seen any other club mention this, it is weirder than if away fans are allowed.
  11. I didn't get my normal seat because my bank thought it was internet fraud. I do think there could have been notice period or ST only time but everyone who wants to go will be there.
  12. I’d have dropped Zander after the Rangers game at Xmas. He has been much improved this calendar year after 2-3 years of not being great.
  13. It's fine, if they wont walk to the one round the corner no chance they will go the length of the stand.
  14. I was a bit surprised the crowd was so low. Certainly felt busier in the east stand but hard to tell from within. Main stand home section was viably much fuller than normal.
  15. Always confuses me that people queue for ages at the 1st set of turnstiles rather that walk 10-20 feet to the next empty one. Maybe some sort of queue separation/organisation there to help things move quicker rather than building more.
  16. St Johnstone 5 Aberdeen 0 in 1990 was a truly sensational result. Aberdeen won both cups the previous year & lost of out on winning the league on the last day that season.
  17. Surprised people haven't mentioned they dont like you logging in quickly on a different device. Login to purchase on my phone. Login to get on TV - cant as logged on within 6 hours (i think) Login again to force log out. Login to start watching eventually.
  18. £9.99 for Premier Sports with code SPURS if not bought yet.
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