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Steve McQueen

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Everything posted by Steve McQueen

  1. .@celticfc score 4 goals away from home in league for 2nd time under Deila. Read here https://t.co/SbQjNnXNu2 https://t.co/eLQ6HqWIbZ Not sir if this is journalism or just pandering. Saints have scored 4 & 5 away from home this season so it's hardly noteworthy.
  2. I thought they might have had Steven MacLean on this week. He used to play for Rangers afterall.
  3. You know it'd almost be excusable for any other position than keeper. You would think a GK would know one of the best players in his position!
  4. Today's podcast features Derek Ferguson writing of Molde because they're 7th in the league.
  5. Froome too good today. In cycling that normally means is too good to be true.
  6. Apparently this is the opening titles for BBC tomorrow. http://bbc.in/1QfwihP
  7. On yestedays podcast the build up to the Cup Final contained the line "it's not even the biggest game in Scotland this week". These are the guys promoting our game.
  8. RIP doesnt seem enough, never realised he was 83. Live Long And Prosper!
  9. It looks like Dundee are trying to reunite last seasons Hibs team.
  10. We get called St Johnson by loads of idiots in the media
  11. I saw Mannus got marked down by a couple of papers because Utd hit the woodwork. Still trying to work out how that works?
  12. Just got round to watching the highlights. Paton was a fraction from a red. Wotherspoon could have had the best goal in Cup history.
  13. Strange reading a match thread when you're not watching the match at the time. Hard to tell how good a game it was from the stands, was just nervous.Seemed to fly by. Great time to get a goal, goalie was never getting it. Ando should know how to celebrate by now. Wasnt sure how the free kick off the bar stayed out, seemed Utd players following in but Mannus emerged with it. I assume May thought the ball was in, Thomson defo pointed towards centre then booked May. Those addition assistants should just shut up. 2nd just sealed it & stopped any late nerves. MacLean got his top off quick & celebration was quality. Best Booking Ever! Just delighted for everyone especially Geoff Brown.
  14. Campus sports in Perth High Street are selling , open at 8 Surely they'll be something at the ground?
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