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Broccoli Dog

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Posts posted by Broccoli Dog

  1. I support all European athletes and sporting teams, as that is my primary national identity. I also consider myself as a world citizen though, so that means I can support pretty much whoever I like. Except the English of course, because they're a bunch of dickheads.

  2. There's plenty of voices out there deconstructing the pitiful pro-union argument, but it's important that fellow travellers on the Yes side are able to challenge from within and ensure that the debate isn't an echo chamber. What's really important is to ensure that we all (of the Yes persuasion) have a cohesive vision for what happens on September 19th (whatever way the vote goes).

  3. Poll apprently putting Yes at three points behind now. However, no source has been provided by the Mail so rather sceptical. Could this be the hidden ICM poll being about to surface?


    Members of David Cameron's inner circle are increasingly alarmed that the lacklustre Better Together movement run by the former Labour chancellor could hand victory to the Scottish nationalists.
    One poll yesterday found the pro-independence Yes campaign, which once trailed by a wide margin, is now only three points behind – raising the prospect of a majority vote to break up the union in September.
  4. 48 to 52 in favour of No.

    A landmark ICM survey for today’s Scotland on Sunday reveals a decline in the No vote from 46 per cent to 42 per cent over the past month. Over the same period, the Yes vote has remained steady at 39 per cent, resulting in a significant tightening of the gap between the two sides.
    When the 19 per cent “don’t knows” are excluded from the equation, the No vote stands at 52 per cent, with 48 per cent in favour of Scotland going it alone. This is the highest level of Yes support to be recorded by an independently commissioned opinion poll.
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