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Posts posted by YOGI IS GOD

  1. Pretty sure someone posted recently about Liam Dick posting on Twitter about munching shite out of Greggs after training. This sounds petty but I notice he posted about how wrecked he gets on nights out. I thought the days of young Scottish footballers wrecking their careers with junk food and drink were over, but obviously not.

  2. Kevin McKenna's latest Guardian article is extremely critical of Better Together http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/nov/30/better-together-scottish-independence-paper

    One paragraph stood out:

    "There are many reasons why Better Together would never dare to produce its own white paper entitled "Britain's Future". For how could any Scottish Labour supporter subscribe to a document that would talk of penalising the poor; cutting the taxes of the rich; allowing our defence and intelligence policies to resemble those of Texas and re-introducing a light touch for bankers? Not to mention leaving Europe and telling immigrants to go home."

  3. Not really a quote but this had me in stitches when I saw it. Boaby gets called away from the pub and Eric stands in behind the bar. Next thing you know, the entire pub is behind the bar helping themselves to a free shot and then they down them with a toast "TO BOABY!".

    A greenie for anyone who can find the clip (or the episode) on Youtube.



  4. "Navid how come you don't have whisky tastin's in here? I'd certainly come" : "Good idea Pete, what time's good for you? What about 5 o'clock in the morning before I take the rolls in ya jaakey baastard"

  5. 1) Ya b*****din' dumplin ye!

    2) Don't call me an arsehole Betty

    3) She is still here, in my heart. "BIRTHDAY CAIRD PISH!"

    4) Whit ye gonny do next? Cut aff yer baws and come back as yer sister?

    5) A scone and tea at half past three makes the day a little brighter, so take yer cakes and fancy tarts and shove them up yer shiter

  6. The last bit is most certainly right. It has absolutely re energised German football. It's probably a very Scottish thing to completely ignore or dismiss the things that your customers actually want. Witness reconstruction, where ineptness of paid officials like Doncaster is almost viewed as something that constantly has to be navigated around as if it were an act of nature rather than someone who was actually paid to do a job with money that comes from those he chooses to ignore. It really is something that, simply wouldn't be tolerated in other countries, but in Scotland, we accept it as just being the way it is.

    The extent of disillusionment amongst fans with the governing bodies is unsurpassed. The people who govern the game and run the clubs are (generally) completely disconnected from the average fan. The recent moves towards fan ownership at Hearts and Dunfermline can only be welcomed IMO.

    With regards to the atmosphere, we have become used to paying silly prices for a matchday experience that is extremely poor. Borussia Dortmund's standing areas allow them to charge £12 to watch world class football. We're asking people to pay £18 to sit quietly in a half empty stadium watching second tier Scottish football, it is beyond a joke.

  7. It seems like frustrations with the club have come to a head tonight, but the product on the pitch is only part of the problem, the major reason is that fans aren't enjoying going to see Falkirk any more. Our stadium has the same atmosphere as an out of town shopping centre car park. It's not just our club that needs to change, it's Scottish football.

    If we made the South Stand a standing area, sold beer at games, let under 18s in for free, charged fans £15 to get in (max) we would make football an enjoyable experience. The club is nothing without the fans, and numbers are going to continue to decline unless we allow fans to create an atmosphere and charge them reasonable prices.

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