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    Hamilton Academical

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  1. Yup, ref was shocking for both teams. The Kane push that wasn’t given was laughable but 5 mins later Kane took a whack and nothing was given. The ref was hopeless and defenders simply had to fall over and the ref gave a free kick. Shocking.
  2. Are clubs obliged to disclose strips and sponsors etc to the SPFL prior to the season starting? I’m just thinking of accies not actually having an away top yet (as far as the fans know anyway). Or Is it just up to the ref on any given game as to what teams rock up in?
  3. It’s a valid point. I know physically he's over the original injury, but admittedly don’t know if he’s ready to be a starter in a competitive league. Not sure where we get someone of the ability he showed a couple of years ago though. someone is going to get themselves a gem, sounds like Ayr are ready to take the gamble.
  4. Would go cap in hand to Jamie Hamilton to replace Owens. Probably far too late now but that is a massive blow. We desperately need pace in the middle of defence.
  5. Agree re longbridge & Owens. Tumilty is great going forward but suspect in defence and question mark over fitness?
  6. The defence is no where near good enough for this level. McGowan isn't good enough and we will struggle if he’s a starter - which I think he will be. I think Hamilton leaving is a real blow. We lacked creativity at times last season, and although Bradley has obviously been brought in to address that, we are light upfront. Ohara going to score enough at this level? Time will tell, I suppose.
  7. Worth remembering that this isn’t Rankins first season either. He had a full season to turn it around last year and couldn’t stop relegation against a poor Arbroath and Cove Rangers. I was happy to give him the start of the season but it’s not working.
  8. Why do we get an Irish co commentator for a Scotland game?
  9. I assume it's PATG for home fans? I was going to take the wee man along, but as usual info from Accies is scarce! Cheers
  10. Anyone know if accies offered Andreu a contract and he turned it down, or he went to st mirren as accies didn’t try to keep him?
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