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Posts posted by minijc

  1. 3 minutes ago, Thenorthernlight said:

    Aye, Joe Lewis 2016-2020, we’re golden.

    Joe Lewis 2020-2022, we’re in bother. 

    One main issue that people seem to forget is that in the last 2 year we haven't had a proper settled defence.  hopefully the moves we've made will see that which then takes a lot of pressure off of Joe, wouldn't be against changing the captaincy either.

  2. 18 minutes ago, Connor1874 said:

    Very much unknown players on these shores but could be a couple of real finds. Boy Miovski could be a cracker of a signing.

    Was there someone else recently linked from Eastern Europe? I swore you'd signed someone else but can't see it so maybe just a rumour but swore I saw someone else mentioned who was from a Balkan country.

    Ramadani, Albanian midfielder. 

  3. 32 minutes ago, Frank Grimes said:

    That username :lol:

    Can tell already you’ll be a bundle of joy 

    The tantrums from some on Twitter and especially on the binfire that is the Hat that we haven’t made any new signings in fucking May is hilarious 

    Yes, a lot of people are losing their minds even though most players are either contracted until the end of this month or the end of next, people should relax.

  4. 3 minutes ago, HalfCutNinja said:

    With clauses you might get more for Ferguson too but he still isn't worth even the same let alone more than those two.

    Aberdeen have every right to look for four billion for him but they aren't going to get it.

    McGinn went for 2.75 not 4, and he is worth more now as he has proven himself thoroughly at a higher level. He was also a full international.

    We are in a deflated market post Covid. Two is perfectly fair. If Aberdeen weren't so deluded they'd negotiate up to 2.5 and bite their hand off as nobody else is going to pay more.

    It's not delusional to to hold for 5m, McGinn got his call up when the midfield of Scotland wasn't that good, now Ferguson is fighting for a place when the position is at its healthiest in a long time.  Post covid is a lot of shit as well, do love that it's fans of crappy wee teams that are all too happy to flog their best assets to celtic and rangers for rubbish fees that are saying what is best for Aberdeen here.

  5. 3 minutes ago, HalfCutNinja said:

    And he has 124 appearances btw, hardly "over 200". And is nearly 22.

    Five million is delusional. You barely got that for McKenna and Cosgrove combined.

    Watford would rightly laugh you out of the room if you start talking pish like that.

    Not true, with clauses tied in to both we should be getting near 7m for Cosgrove and McKenna, just need a few things to pan out.

    Ferguson has played 139 games for us, 21 goals and 28 assists, he's still 21 and has 3 years on his deal, lets look at John McGinn who benefitted from 2 years in the Scottish Championship (lol) he played 137 times for Hibs, scored 17 goals and had 29 assists, he went for around £4m and is now valued at 7-9 x that, Aberdeen have every right to look for as close to £5million as possible.

    Also big lol at fans of inferior teams telling others to just accept what they are given, one of the major issues with Scottish football and why it doesn't grow and become more competitive, shit like what you are spouting, incredible.

  6. 2 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    They seem to want to regularly challenge, and finish above, teams with 30x their budget, while simultaneously be light years ahead of times who's budget is 3x lower than theirs, all in under a decade. As if building a club up to challenge those odds can be done overnight by going to the "staff search" screen on FM and hiring all the bestest coaches in the world.

    And win one of the two cups every season.

    McInnes is a victim of his own success.

    30 x our budget, I think if that's the case both then Celtic and Rangers are underachieving massively with their £300m budgets.

  7. Just now, Granny Danger said:

    It’s not for me to tell fans of other clubs what their expectations should be but however big the present budget is it’s still far less than the two clubs who will continue to hold the two top spots.

    By all means be ambitious, ambition is a good thing, but I reckon that ambition must be tempered by reality.

    There are more than one way to skin a cat, I personally think we should be investing more in other areas of the clubs, in places where it's easier to compete and better Celtic and Rangers.  Maybe having more than 3 scouts would be a place start, especially when two of those scouts are the manager and his assistant.  Get that fixed then start to look at the coaching staff, do we have the best we can afford, is everyone in those positions doing the best they can and does the club have a clear plan on what they want to do?  There are so many things that need fixing here and at other clubs in the league, it's narrowminded to just harp on about budgets as if they are the sole factor on where a club finishes.

  8. 1 minute ago, Granny Danger said:

    What do Aberdeen fans expect from a manager?  Looks like they still have a very good chance of finishing third, is a higher place finish a real expectation?

    Second is there for the taking, I expect effort from the players/manager every game as a bare minimum, he has the biggest budget in the clubs history at his disposal, he is the highest paid manager in the clubs history as well, so it's only right that expectations increase.  For me personally it's not all about the result it's the performances and the manner of some defeats over the years, he worries far too much about what we are facing instead of letting the opposition worry about us, very defeatist attitude, doesn't have the players as fit as they should be and his tactics are stale and predictable. 

    I'm convinced we can do better than him, the club are in a much better position now (thanks to him) to get someone in with fresh ideas to take over and kick us on to a new level.  It's a very Scottish way of thinking to just say we should be happy with what we have and accept our place. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, sons'r'us said:

    There was me thinking I was going catch up on a couple of pages of some decent gossip on our new signing and it's been highjacked by this minijc tit.


    Anyhow should be decent signing for us.



    Highjacked by me?  Christ, anyways I've completed the championship sides so you lads won't hear from me again unless you go bust or something funny.

  10. 3 minutes ago, BallochSonsFan said:


    Adding finishing touches? Finishing touches to what?

    If you're a journo then you're lazy if you're asking fans on a Sons thread to give you all the information you need. You could do some actual research, like reading match reports or contacting the people who do our media work.


    I'm not a journo ffs, I just find it easier to use here and gather alot of info, some that doesn't appear in match reports and so on, I managed to put just over 4000 words together on the SPFL and I've now done 2000 reviewing each championship side, it's from a betting POV and any help is appreciated but anyways, it was quite funny so I'm not that arsed.

  11. 8 minutes ago, lionel wickson said:

    So, this minijc character is having a tantrum because :

    "I've decided to take my betting on the Scottish game more serious so trying to work out the best starting line up for each side to help get me an a slight edge, I was considering doing a season preview on each league and putting out a blog but work has gotten in the way and I'm running out of time. "

    Jesus I'm not having a tantrum, I'm playing to the crowd otherwise it was a wasted joke on their part.

  12. Just now, The Moonster said:

    Strange of a pond builder to start creating a sea. I think ol' Neville's getting a bit ahead of himself there.

    Can't fault a man for being ambitious.


    Anyways cheers for the laugh, I've marked your team down as relegation fodder.

  13. Just adding my finishing touches to what I've put together and I came to do your line up when I realised,  never mind I'm sure you all had fun, I suppose anything is better than actually following your backwater mob around as they play a draw but get shafted.

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