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Disco Duck

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Posts posted by Disco Duck

  1. 16 minutes ago, BPM said:

    I am not sure Donaldson can do much. He has cleared the ball and the Kelty players momentum takes him into Donaldsons knee on his chest. Unlucky for me 

    Looked like his face rather than head from the back of the South Stand, and you could hear the impact from there.  It was clearly accidental, but it’s dangerous and there’s no way it’s anything other than a red.

  2. 25 minutes ago, Harry Kinnear said:

    That has to be an Ultra chant today, like Liverpool fans sing “Justice for the 96” we should be singing “Justice for the Falkirk One” to show our support for Ross.

    Hmmm.  Maybe not.  I think a 90 minute long chant of Tequila/Maciver should do it!

  3. 6 minutes ago, Harry Kinnear said:

    I think the way they have done it is probably the right way. They have kept their promise and have given an option to those who want/can afford to give more. If we were fortunate enough to go up to the top flight then I think we would all expect a decent increase in ST prices. 


  4. 1 hour ago, ChrispPancake said:

    I know they promised to freeze prices but this is going to bite the club in the bum. If for eg we get promotion next season (just a scenario) the jump in price to compete in that league will need to be huge due to the club keeping ST prices so low for so long.

    Yes, there is an option to contribute more but is this really a good way to go?

    The prize freeze was to Incentivise people to come along after the catastrophic end to…well pretty much every season in this league.  It worked.  We got big numbers to keep coming, pay in advance and fund some good improvements to the squad.

    Are you seriously suggesting the club should renege on that promise?  Wow.

  5. Just now, Scotty Tunbridge said:

    So why has it taken Falkirk so long to get out of this backwater league where they so greatly out number the opposition fans on a weekly basis? 😱

    Same reason as Livi have been in the top flight.  You can get some variance when good or bad managers, boards, big transfer fees or sugar daddies shift the dial, but ultimately everything regresses towards home attendances.

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