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DA Baracus

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Posts posted by DA Baracus

  1. 2 hours ago, SlayerX said:


    A European Cup winner's medal in one pocket and Zidane in the other.

    Juventus tried to buy him as a direct result.

    Easily walk into our current team. A ball winning midfielder is actually one thing we're lacking, particularly one of Lambert's calibre (He was equal to Deschamps and Dunga).

    You're at it here.

  2. 2 hours ago, buchan30 said:

    Osteotis pubis. Basically pain along the top of the pelvis and down the groin after any vigorous exercise (unfortunately not that) caused by the muscle movements of playing in goals at walking football. Having physio for it from Ralph Hunter (Cowdenbeath and Arbroath) and on naproxen which is a stronger Anti-inflammatory than Brufen. 
    Only shit part is no 5s and have only just been allowed back to play walking football. 

    I had sympathy for you until you wrote 'Brufen'.

  3. 30 minutes ago, Well over Par said:

    cos depends on what device you are watching on, signal quality, browser etc etc 

    many things that can lead to poor quality

    and btw, you shouldn't be watching it if in dundee unless its midweek

    I've seen it be shite in Dundee, Dunfermline, Germany, Hawick and Glasgow.

    It's not so much the signal but rather all of it. The camera operator often can't keep up with play, the angles are usually terrible, the presentation is amateur, the commentary isn't the best, the sound often cuts out, the definition varies, the graphics are awful and in general it's a desperately poor product.

  4. Watching tomorrow's game at the East End Park fanzone, which is now sold out. Will be interesting to see how it goes.

    Will be in Germany next week for the Switzerland game (no tickets sadly, so most likely a fan park).

    Will be home for the Hungary game. Considering the Riverside Fan Park in Dundee but they're refusing to release drinks prices, even though the first one is tomorrow, which makes me think said prices will be ludicrous. Will see what folk are saying about it after tomorrow. Otherwise I suppose I'll try a pub for it.

  5. 13 minutes ago, HoBNob said:

    That's fair, cheers for passing it on. 

    I'm genuinely surprised the "make up" of ParsTv has already been decided before the results of the survey have been released in fairness. 

    Considering who runs it and who would be looking at the feedback, I'm not surprised at this.

    We'll just continue to have one of the worst, it not the worst (to be fair I haven't seen every club's output) offerings in the SPFL.

  6. 12 hours ago, Hugh Hillshaveyes said:

    Surely savage or anyone else waiting in the wings will let admin happen then do a deal with the administrator therefore kicking the debts into the long grass.... would be a kick in the Chuckies points wise next season but you would have a club....as long as they don't whip the bronze licence of course 

    Or a CVA can't be agreed and your club go out of business. By the sounds of things ICT have burned a lot of goodwill around the city so there could be some not willing to just wrote debts off.

    Administration should he avoided if possible. It's not some simple process that let's a club easily write off debts.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Wacky said:

    Not according to @DA Baracus, but for what it’s worth I agree. 

    I've never said that. The club clearly need to make significant improvements regarding communication.

    I said it's ridiculous that folk expect announcements over everything.

    You yourself admitted that you genuinely think that the club should have announced that are trying to make signings. That's absolutely mental to me and massive overkill. Why would they not be trying to make signings? The club has made a signing in every single transfer window. It doesn't need said.

    Do you think the club should put out an announcement every Monday to confirm that they still intend to operate and haven't just decided to withdraw from the league and shut down?

  8. 1 hour ago, Wacky said:

    I’ll be stunned if we don’t sign another player on a permanent deal. I’m sure the squad will be padded up with loan players, but I think we’ll see us sign another couple on contract. Just wish they’d bloody let us know something, anything at all would be better than the wall of silence we’re getting now. 

    You genuinely think fans need to be told that the club are trying to make signings during a transfer window?!

  9. 22 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:

    Trump, as usual, has already described the trial as a witchhunt and has turned it to his and his supporters advantage, if he is jailed it wouldn't surprise if the gun toting rednecks storm the prison.

    What should have been done is just to have ignored him after his term and given him little publicity, instead the liberal and democratic press and media have constantly run news against him which has only served to whip up the tobacco chewers into a frenzy.

    It's too late now the damage has been done and against a nappy wearing dementia riddled Biden Trump will be the next President who will more than likely bomb Moscow.

    So all you guys under thirty get ready for a mandatory military call up.

    Trump is the one who wears nappies, not Biden.

  10. 8 hours ago, Venti said:

    Anyone heard from Derry Alli? Dm him & no response.

    No, went on his profile and he was last on 2nd May.


    The excellent young fellow is almost certainly fine and has probably been stranded somewhere remote.


    Would be good to hear from him though. Someone should tag the lad (I tried but couldn't do it from some reason) 

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