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Posts posted by longjohn

  1. About time we had some culture and refinement in this place. I attach for your cultural enjoyment the following ode that was forwarded to me by one of my esteemed collegues who is obviously a man of critical literary taste...

    I know a man whose name is Jim

    I really love throwing tomatoes at him

    Tomatoes are soft and don't hurt the skin

    But these fuckers do, coz they're still in the tin

  2. I'm in the process of trying to do that with Evans Halshaw in Kilmarnock. I bought a vauxhall insignia 3 weeks ago and it's been back to fix electrical problems SIX times. I've put in a rejection letter but they've just phoned back saying the cars fixed again ready for picking up.

    I'm in two minds of sticking it out to get a refund (£8500) but I feel they are going to try and wriggle out paying.

    Any tips from anybody would be most appreciated.

    Stick to your guns, no discussions, just thanks but no thanks.

  3. There are more prostitutes than trees across the Orkney Isles.

    Additionally, northern neighbour Shetland has the highest prostitutes per head of population of any region / city in the UK, largely attributed to the high number of offshore workers who pass through.

    I suppose it is better than offshore workers who follow through

  4. mhak got banned for posting a Holocaust joke when he was already on a few warnings, which I think were for trolling the forum's resident incoherent drunk.

    Cheers for the info mate. Shame about that, there was intelligence there but I guess he shoul;d have known better

  5. Just looked back at the poster who opened this thread and noted it was none other than that worthy champion of the Tynie Humour Police - mhak (Mhak, Makoliunas etc).

    I had not seen any posts from him for a while and I thought maybe he had moved abroad again, maybe to take up employment as Ron Jeremy's fluffer or suchlike. But then I noted that he's banned! What on earth did he do?

  6. :lol:

    Thanks for the clarification on this point. I see now what you were getting at.

    Although it still doesn't explain how their passports were found on the ground after they had committed suicide. Dead people don't have passports - that's a fact that none of the sheeple can dispute.

    The passports could very well be found as they may be necessary to get the terrorists into their target area, such as on a commercial aircraft. Of course they could be false but maybe not as they guys might well like a bit of posthumous glory.

    The sheeples bite back :)

  7. Why are the British government supporting them? They commited an idiotic crime let them deal with it.

    The UK government will provide consular assistance to UK nationals detained abroad. They will ensure that the accused receive treatment comparable to that of the natives of the country in question. This means proper access to lawyers etc. They can also provide regular visits to those in custody to ensure that they have been appropriately treated.

    The UK government and the Embassy concerned will stress that they cannot interfere in the workings of the judicial system of the country in question, they cannot get people off or influence cases or judgments in any way.


  8. I've suffered from it in the past, whilst younger. I was very badly bullied at school and hated getting up each morning. Genuinely just wanted to lay in my bed all day. Thankfully leaving school was a catalyst for a big change in my life and I've been moderately fine since.

    My wife (who also has adult ADHD) has suffered badly from depression in the past and it's utterly heartbreaking. Not only do GPs not have a clue how to deal with someone with depression, they have no idea whatsoever how to help someone who lives with someone with depression.

    Not always. I have got a brilliant GP who has specialised in treatment of depression. She was excellent, both supportive and knowledgeable. It is worth asking at your practice if there is a GP who has specialised in depression and being seen by them. I am aware that some practises have one. Don't dismiss GP's, there are good and bad. If you get one who is inexperienced in that area get another.

    I returned to work in June 2005 after the best part of a year off the rails and am now doing ok. Have had a couple of wobbles over the years but I can now recognise the signs and just take things slowly and carefully until I get my head sorted out. I will never be as confident or assertive as before and I have severely reined in ideas of promotion or additional responsibility in my life as that can push me to the edge. Seeing a psychologist was a great help as well, The bloke I got was really helpful with coping strategies and setting improvement targets.

    To those out there suffering, believe that there is recovery. It takes time and you may not believe it but one day you will be posting positive comments for other sufferers like I am doing now.

    My own take on the "get a grip" brigade is that they should shut the f**k up. I work in the NHS and my Service Manager was such a character. "Pull yourself together" was his battlecry, that is f**k all help when your life is falling apart. You would have expected better from a senior manager in the NHS.

    God bless all. I would include my offer of support if anyone wishes to pm. You are not alone.

  9. We are not good enough for the 1st Div two many poor players.

    Gus signed all there poor players but he will say that he had neither the time or the money to get good players in.

    Will Gus do any better next season in Div 2 ?

    He will have plenty of time to get good players in but can he get them to sign for Queens?

    We will have to play more younger players mixed with a few older players just as Falkirk have done this season.

    Gus is NOT the man for the job but Mark and his board seem to think so time will tell who is right.

    On a cheerier note, remember that Queens youths are playing Celtic in the Youth Cup Final tonight. Seems like the future is not all gloom.

  10. Did anyone here work for/know of a courier company Falcon Despatch in the mid to late '80s? They ran bikes and vans. Originally based in Park Circus and then moved to Borron Street in Glasgow. Also had an office in the Cowgate in Edinburgh. Ran by a group consisting of Davie Paterson, Henry Pullar, Carol Henderson, Andy Cowie and Stuart Duff, although I think the latter got the elbow after a disagreement with the rest.

    Brilliant job, on a bike all day and they actually paid you for it (ok not a lot but hey ho).

    I left the UK in 1989 and forgot to come back for 15 years and now I cannot find any trace of Falcon Despatch. Can anyone on P & B give any information? Thanks in advance.

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