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Everything posted by Ludo*1

  1. Do Rangers not have boxes that are booked a few year in advance? Might be one of those he has.
  2. Employed his own security team whilst at Dens out of fear of being 'attacked' at a game. Lied in the media about Rab Douglas to protect his mate John Brown. Appointed his mate John Brown. His reaction to fans and the media questioning this? 'Dundee chief executive Scot Gardiner is furious at the lack of respect being shown by fans and radio pundits to John Brown, who has been named manager until the end of the season at Dens Park. ' Failed to get a shirt sponsor and pissed our previous shirt sponsor off to the point that they wanted nothing to do with the club whilst he was here. (Kilmac - They'd been our sponsor for several year and subsequently are involved with Nelms about building a new stadium and currently sponsor Dens so a massive source of income for us). There were some absolutely wild and hilarious rumours during his time at Dens such as he'd been caught stealing at his grans house so his family wouldn't speak to him. Obviously, that's likely completely nonsense but it explains the depth of feeling he shared between Dundee fans. Pretty sure he also made it that no-one except season ticket holders were allowed in the stand he was in due to 'precautions'. And he regularly threatened fans with his lawyers if they posted anything negative about him online.
  3. Alloa, Arbroath, Ayr United, Morton and Queen of the South - that they ‘fully endorse and support’ McArthur’s version of events.
  4. Uncut Gems. Had an ominous feeling all the way through the film. I get that that's the intention and as brilliant a film as it is, I didn't enjoy that horrible anxiousness. 8.5/10 Never watching it again.
  5. The only post on their forum related to the Record article is: 'That far under their skin they're talking bollocks, claiming we tried to get the season null and voided...despite saying all along we didnt have an issue with the titles being awarded, but didn't want clubs to be relegated... '
  6. Inverness overtake Hearts in the race for the title. Breathing down Rangers neck now. Just how they two would like it.
  7. Be good for Vince to score her name out ala Reigns style as other that being hot as hell, I think she's pretty shite.
  8. Scot Gardiner calling Keith Jackson a 'shill' and Tom English quintupling down:
  9. Spot on until your last line. Looks like Spoofer has finally been caught spoofing on the largest stage if the Record is to be believed. Mind you, they're about as accurate as he is with the truth.
  10. I reckon the SPFL would be able to save a few clubs tomorrow if they charged a flat rate fee to live stream the zoom meeting tonight.
  11. Ah, you beat me too it. I was busy calling him out on another thread.
  12. This is all because Dundee fans are seething at Scot Gardiner, ain't it, @TheScarf ?
  13. Yeah. YouTube'd it as Dele recommended. Only thing I don't have is a voltage tester (Which shouldn't be a problem if I've isolated it, right?)
  14. Lack of talk about the fact Brechin have outed Rangers and Inverness as fucking liars and say that the WHOLE of League 2 will corroborate this. I know it was mentioned a couple of pages back but it's delicious stuff. Full statement: In what are extremely challenging times for everyone as we try to come to terms with the consequences of Covid-19 and the lockdown conditions, we are also regretfully facing turmoil in the world of Scottish football. Members and Supporters of Brechin City FC will doubtless have been concerned and indeed alarmed at the current tirade of negativity towards the Club, and in particular our Chairman Ken Ferguson. This challenges the integrity and reputation, both of our Club, and that of Ken personally. Having remained respectfully silent to date, the Management Committee now unanimously feel compelled to firmly rebuff these claims and set the record straight. In particular, in the recent dossier released in support of the EGM taking place at the SPFL tomorrow (Tuesday), there is an accusation which is pointed directly at our Chairman relating to his part in the run up to the SPFL vote which took place on Friday 10th April. This states, “It has also been alleged that Ken Ferguson (Brechin City Chairman and SPFL Board Director) called League 2 clubs and told them that Inverness had changed their vote to YES and, as a result, the Resolution was going to be approved and that there was no point in League 2 clubs voting NO.” This is categorically refuted. Unfortunately, this is feeding the current media frenzy and, by association, Brechin City FC and our Chairman are being subjected to un-necessary scrutiny and wholly unwarranted abuse. In addition to anecdotal evidence from all of the other League 2 clubs, we have in our possession verification from each club that no such call was made. Furthermore, each League 2 club is content to provide corroboration to this effect and has stressed that they are entirely relaxed (and in reality appreciative) of the integrity Ken displayed in his role as an SPFL Director in the lead up to the vote. The Management Committee will issue a further statement in comings days to fully address other allegations that have been directed towards the Club in the media and online in recent times.
  15. My electric cooker has broken and my missus ordered a new one which is getting delivered tomorrow. She's arranged a pick-up of the old one but just realised she picked self-install by accident. It's pretty much a like for like cooker. Is it fairly easy to disconnect and connect up the new one? Any advice?
  16. As noted on the CH thread, I gave the criteria for entry with there only being 15 slots and each team getting at least one entrant and the top 4, two entrants as that was the fairest way to do it IMO.
  17. Boy has some set of stones on him after being sacked by both clubs: His shithousery always comes to the fore though:
  18. Based on the other thread it looks like it'll be McCart with McGhee a distant second.
  19. Wonder when Boris will start backpedaling. Even the Brexit types are against him here:
  20. Don't understand people that sign up to a football forum and primarily just post in the politics sub-forum. OFTW behaviour.
  21. Keir Starmer wasn't half up Boris' arse there. Is he not supposed to be the opposition?
  22. Aberdeen the latest to confirm they'll vote for an inquiry: “We reiterate our belief that an independent inquiry is the only way of drawing a line under what has become a highly damaging episode for the whole of Scottish football. “There is a distressing lack of confidence and trust between the SPFL leadership and many of the clubs, and it is hard to see a resolution, far less a reconciliation, without some form of impartial and objective assessment of the many claims and counter-claims. “Some of those involved will be prepared to make information known in confidence through an independent inquiry, which they would not otherwise be willing to disclose. The SPFL will be able to provide details of the contractual consequences for the SPFL of different possible outcomes, which they have felt unable to share with members, and therefore the opportunity to obtain confirmation that their proposal was the only practicable option available. “Importantly, there will be the opportunity for the SPFL’s Chief Executive and Legal Advisor to be cleared of the serious allegations that have been made. “It is difficult to see how these outcomes could be achieved in a different way.” https://www.afc.co.uk/2020/05/11/club-statement-monday-11th-may/
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