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Everything posted by Ludo*1

  1. Are you generally ITK? You seem to be heavily hinting at the Davidson/Craig combo.
  2. At the risk of coming across like an utter sad act - here's a post from 8 year ago and you two arguing on pretty much the same subject.
  3. You just can't drop it and resort to pulling me up on spelling? Jeezo.
  4. Can confirm after receiving several threatening PM's from Bonsky demanding I change the poll to show my love for this great country that is Great Britain, that I would change the poll but this version of P&B doesn't seem to allow you to do so. @Bonksy+HisChristianParade
  5. It's not so much the Sisal rope he's destroyed opposed to the whole bloody thing. As you can see, we've had to give him the dogs bed to placate him.
  6. Any good (Reasonably cheap) cat climbing frames? I want a big one as my cat had a previous one but has completely wrecked it to the point its only use is for the bin. I spent around £40 on this (Price has went up since then) and I appreciate that's dirt cheap but it was flimsy as hell. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01GOJIHYG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  7. Then you clearly didn't understand mines.
  8. That's rotten yer da type patter. Did you really need to be that pedantic? You knew what he meant.
  9. The tits have nothing to do with them being howling. The standards are seriously low.
  10. No, I thought it was a fucking horrific analogy so didn't bother replying. Comparing a disease to driving speeds.
  11. In a slightly more serious note, is there not some conspiracy going on that the Tory party made up lots of fake AI-controlled Twitter accounts to support the government during this crisis?
  12. Marshmallo seems the type that's had a big enough of a meltdown to log in and out of accounts just to issue dots tbh.
  13. I find it quite outrageous that you have decided to dismiss my post in your first sentence with an analogy that's not far off the ol' embarrassing trotted line that you need to have been a good footballer to be a good manager. I don't get paid £388,000 a year (Before a hefty bonus) to bring in deals that just about pay more than my salary. Your condescending tone and unwillingness to accept legit fan criticism throughout that whole post is unsurprising from someone actively involved with the inner workings of a Scottish football club. Do you think he done a 'pretty good job' when it took him 2 year to find a league sponsor? Do you think he was doing a 'pretty good job' when he was detailing that Scottish football would crumble without Rangers in the top flight and that clubs would go bust? ETA: For what it's worth, I don't think Rangers have any evidence and they should have the book thrown at them for the allegations, but as you say, will wait to be proven wrong.
  14. I'd love for the creep to be named and shamed. Sorry @Tynierose but needs must.
  15. Blackway Ray Liotta, Anthony Hopkins, Julia Stiles & Hal Holbrook all in it yet it still manages to be the dullest revenge story ever. Basically the plot is Ray Liotta is a feared hardman in a small town that even the Sheriff won't deal with. He harasses Julia Stile's character, she goes to Anthony Hopkins for help who then spends the day looking for him and then kills him. The end. That's it. Bad guy does bad guy stuff then gets killed by an old man. No tension, no drama, nothing. There's many good revenge tales that are easy watching and provide some entertainment, this doesn't. So much potential with the actors involved and the plot from the book wasted. 3/10
  16. Still time IMO. And tbf, when I made that comment originally, Hartley had just put us in the best position possible to get promoted whilst Alex Neil had just been sent off and blew his team's chances leaving them needing a miracle to win the league. The fact that I maintained this view for about 5 year after that fact is completely irrelevant.
  17. I don't mind you Bennett. You always come across nice enough, but letting your staunchness rule your belief system is fucking wild and Bohemian ain't wrong.
  18. No, he's just a coach. Jimmy Nicholl is the assistant.
  19. Callum Davidson and Dave Mackay maybe more likely than Craig being involved in the combo? Mackay and Davidson were in the same Pro License group. ETA: Picture came out weird. It zooms in when you click on it.
  20. Mike Mulraney saying Alloa could probably do one season without fans if it ever came to that.
  21. It's not. If me and Marshmallo can make a c**t of ourselves with the rules in this thread, so can you.
  22. Imagine Steve Brown's reaction when Hartley told him he wants a new squad every 6 month.
  23. The deals that he's pedaled as the 'best ever' have been absolutely shambolic. What exactly is this 'pretty good job' he's done? He's tied us into a 5 year deal with Sky that was painted as 'amazing' because it represented a 20% increase on the previous deal. Brilliant - if that wasn't a terrible deal we were tied into previously. It took him over 2 year to find a replacement sponsorship deal for the top flight just as Clydesdale stopped as he started his role. In those 2 years he earned £800k and then agreed a deal worth £2m per year with Ladbrokes. Groundbreaking stuff from Doncaster. This is all before we get into his negativity during the Rangers saga and predicting 'armageddon' if the clubs didn't allow Rangers straight back into the top flight. Just because you didn't hear any suggestions doesn't mean it's not the case either. I know you're in the loop with QotS, but that doesn't mean you'll have access to all the other clubs thought processes. Finally, why is fan criticism 'tedious'? Yes, some of it may well be misplaced, but to just dismiss it as 'tedious' and not recognise some of the reasons is arrogant at best, moronic at worst.
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