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Everything posted by Ludo*1

  1. I don't disagree with anything you've said there. As I said in a later post but clearly didn't convey anywhere near well enough, the economy is not worth a single life in terms of its concept. The issue is when the balance is tipped and more people are dying due to the economy crashing than the virus itself. Of course, at that point it's entirely different and needs to be judged accordingly IMO.
  2. What arbritary number is worth the economy being screwed then? 10? 20? 100? 1000? When does it become worth it? What's the human value here? I'm not saying this as a 'rebuttal' because it's quite clearly not. I'm genuinely curious as to the figure people have in their heads of being worth it as opposed to not worth it.
  3. I hope Mendy plays against us again. That was some good shit.
  4. Aye, not even debatable. The issue comes from the deaths that would come from the economy coming crashing down ie, suicides. But the economy itself taken as an individual concept? Not a chance.
  5. Monty Python was and is horrendously unfunny.
  6. Yes. One unnecessary death a day is worth more than the economy. f**k sake.
  7. How was John McCormack in general for Morton? (I assume shite - but in comparison with Morton managers since?) Big what if for Dundee if we'd kept him instead of appointing Jocky (Who done a tremendous job) but seems like he's been an absolute train wreck ever since.
  8. I purchased Platinum purely because I've had my money's worth over the years from this forum and wanted to give back (I used ad-block for the majority anyway). The state of that advert that was screenshotted a few posts above is cheeky as f**k though.
  9. The weekly applause still has to be one of the most embarrassing things going.
  10. Where have I came to his aid? I've just agreed that you've had a mare and thoroughly embarrassed yourself.
  11. You've taken yesterday really, really badly. Get to your bed, you absolute roaster.
  12. Aye, I pulled a Tom English and didn't have a fucking clue about the rules despite them being fairly simple.
  13. That's the first 'telt' in today's postings IMO. Shocked it came from you.
  14. John Baird was finished when he was playing for us.
  15. I honestly had you down as being ages with Danger. Apologies.
  16. Don't drag me into your tear stained rampage about homophobia. Finding quotes from me from a year ago is worrying. Thank you.
  17. Not watching it, but the strikers they had around 1999ish were unreal: Thierry Henry Dennis Bergkamp Sylvain Wiltord Fabian Cabalerro Superstars the lot of them.
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