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Everything posted by Ludo*1

  1. Hartley is a cracking manager IMO. If you appointed him, he'd no doubt do a great job. Wouldn't piss me off though, he was rightfully punted after allowing us to concede 7 at home from Aberdeen and being in the process of a 7 game losing run (Preceded by a 6 game losing run earlier in the season) and then admitting live on TV that he didn't know how to turn things around. He completely lost the plot at the end of his spell at Dens. And his Falkirk spell was just a complete disaster that they've still not recovered from. Would I take him back? Absolutely. He deserves to go far in the game. He has an obsessive work ethic that I've never before witnessed in Scottish football. Is his father in law not the Cove director though? And they're being backed Gretna-esque (Well, not quite but money is being pumped into them) so could see him wanting to lead Cove up the leagues to the Championship.
  2. It's no surprise that Chisholm has never held a managerial spot since leaving Dens. He's 'international development coach' at Sunderland now apparently.
  3. Did she not equally employ Scot Gardiner after he was sacked for forgetting to find a shirt sponsor for Dundee though?
  4. Looking to get a new phone case. I had the Argentina style strip (But I custom ordered it therefore it doesn't have the Dundee badge on it and just Ceramic Tile Warehouse). Looking to custom order again and thought about the Magners away strip, but don't fancy it not having the badge and it just looking like I'm endorsing a shite brand of cider on my phone. Any kit suggestions?
  5. If, as it's now expected, Rangers 'evidence' amounts to nothing then heads should roll at that club and be punished heavily for the allegations they've made.
  6. Graeme Jones has had 1 season of football management at age 50 and has was punted because he had Luton Town 23rd and had achieved 10 wins all season and a GD of -28. I get that Luton were on of the favourites to go down, but why does that make him an ideal candidate?
  7. Ignore what the Tweet is actually about, can anyone give me context to this video? Is it from a film or legit? Is there an extended video to this? What's going on?
  8. So have you or have you not listened to it?
  9. Anyone can ask questions. They need to actually be relevant and not pointless, inane dribblings. That's nothing to do with my view point of Doncaster who hasn't handled this at all well. But today? English has made him look semi-competent. It's embarrassing.
  10. Does anything have to be in it for me to have a view point? Sums your mentality up tbh.
  11. I forgot that the League Cup finished in March pre 2016. Point still stands though. ETA: St Mirren - 13/14: 4,511 19/20: 5,381 Ross County - 16/17: 4,103 19/20: 4,665
  12. Bennett Follow Following because his club are upset with Doncaster.
  13. Eh? What has the issue of loans/advance payments got to do with Dundee?
  14. The 14/15 figure was from a tweet from that St Johnstone 1884 account had posted up. That bizarrely came up in the google search - can't remember what I typed exactly. 19/20 is The Scotsman.
  15. There's nothing ironic about it. It's something Rangers and Celtic fans consistently do. They let the clubs beliefs dictate their lives - even away from football. It's fucking shameful.
  16. Why didn't he ask Gordon to mention this in his interview? Instead he continues to pedal nonsense. Your distrust/hatred of Doncaster is clouding your judgement on the performance of English here.
  17. Bennett take Rangers/Celtic loyalties out of the equation for once FFS. You don't need to form your opinion on whatever your club's opinion is FFS.
  18. Then that's on your club's marketing team/Brown. Then why has every other team that I've pointed out in the previous post increased their average attendance?
  19. Concerned you're taking this all a bit too seriously. Take a few deep breaths FFS. ETA: Obviously don't know the meaning of the word spree then.
  20. We really need to streamline our PotY awards. Current score count: Jordan McGhee - 11 Paul McGowan - 11 Kane Hemmings - 2 Jordan Marshall - 1 Declan McDaid - 1 Graham Dorrans - 1 ETA: Between McGowan & McGhee for PotY.
  21. Calling Granny Danger a blethering c**t isn't necessarily a defense of anything anyone has said.
  22. He said this after the show ended, on Twitter. He made no mention of it on air and has since went completely quiet on the 'points' he made in his article last night.
  23. The only reason your support hasn't grown since you won the cup is because you've not got either of the Dundee teams? I've became entangled in this debate when the question I was trying to get at was have the Brown's attempted many incentives to bring more in? I know you done that cracking deals for kids (Was that still a thing last season?) anything else? It just seems more of a missed opportunity to me rather than any actual 'embarrassment' or 'crowd wanking'.
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