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Everything posted by tamthebam

  1. A player having a chug in a dressing room.. ..naw, that would never happen..
  2. That was... unexpected. Mind you if I'd expected it I'd have been down the bookies to lump a tenner on a 4-0 City win. 1-0 up through a Beattie header and Elgin were enjoying a wee spell of pressure. I'm thinking "Could do with a second here" and Elgin's goalie obliged us, somehow failing to judge a Walker daisy cutter which crept into the net. The icing on the cake was then supplied by a Rodger header and a neat bit of robbery by El Alagui. We could have had more. Also City have developed a habit of rattling crossbars and abusing goalposts in recent games.. Basically we scored the sort of goals today that other teams usually score against us. Also pleasing to see a couple of the Under 20s come on later in the game.
  3. Folk that let their dugs shite on football pitches. They deserve to have two teams of amateur footballers enter their houses and shite everywhere.
  4. http://metro.co.uk/2015/03/24/sad-news-gordon-the-gopher-is-in-rehab-after-relations-sour-with-philip-schofield-5118390/ Schofield ruined his more talented sidekick's career, the smarmy cnut.
  5. If this fashion for wetwipes engulfs P&B users will Bobbyskidmarks have to change his name?
  6. I notice our fixture with Elgin has certainly got P&B buzzing..
  7. The legend that is Jordan Caddow had joined Dalkeith Thistle. Can't blame the lad for wanting first team football but he'd been with City on and off for years. East of Scotland League winners medal and two Lowland League winners medal and also played in the Scottish League- no bad for a torn faced bugger ()
  8. The not bloody dangerous at all looking camera position at Dundee North End! Also the fence round the pitch was previously used on the Tay Road Bridge.
  9. The not at all bloody rickety looking stand at Polo Park, FC Stoneywood. Now gone as the park is a housing estate.
  10. maybe they just wanted to applaud a good display from Hearts and an Edinburgh team winning the Scottish Cup. Its unlikely but there are some people like that out there.
  11. In days of old, When knights were bold, Wet wipes were not invented, So they licked their bums, With the end of their tongues, And everyone was contented.
  12. *waits for Biggie to post the inevitable Smudger disapproval gif*
  13. It must have thought Clyde were playing Bewick's Rangers... Ornithologist's joke- bit of a hoot, eh?
  14. sounds like you were having a wet dream about Velma from Scooby Doo. How bizarre.
  15. At the Winter Olympics Posh Spice's hairdresser has won gold for the skeleton bob...
  16. Berwick's stand came from Bradford if memory serves. So all we need to do is find someone with a big,big,big back green and wait for a club 15 miles west to go bust again and transport a couple of stands back to Edinburgh...
  17. looks like hens to the left of the goal there- which just goes to prove that there's always been cocks at Hearts...
  18. An interesting fact indeed: He certainly demolished "Sweet Child of mine" at school on one occasion..
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