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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. What the f**k bad memories could you have from them ??? They were awesome on toast
  2. Superb, that’s what I had, even made enough for tomorrow nights tea
  3. Already thought about this and came up with the same answer
  4. Happy birthday to the princess, she’s set my moods and emotions for the last 9 years. Dat smile though, all that matters
  5. Never TasTed so good, I’m Tanning The arse off these fuckers Tonight (sorry about the glass)
  6. Painting the windows, I fucking hate painting, mind numbing, tedious, boring, pinnicity pish. Can’t imagine what it must be like earning a living dain it, probably a bit like being a welder
  7. By the time most are in their mid 40s and 50s, they’ll have had their kids brought up and out the house, do you expect them not to go out and enjoy themselves ?
  8. Your toleration of dickheads change as you get older, add alcohol and hey presto. I haven’t been drunk for two years and can’t see me getting drunk anytime soon. When your two sons have to pick you up off the street, it’s time to take stock of your life
  9. My daughter in law is a hairdresser, she’s saying for the amount of chairs in the shop and customers that would be in on a day it would be madness I'm seeing and hearing a real shift in attitudes towards the lockdown here last few days, I can see all the good that this has done to slow the virus, being undone
  10. Cheese and onion crisps, a pork pie, tucs, rocky road and a rocky
  11. No easy welding that if it’s cast, need to take that to a competent welder. Need the right rods and probably needs pre heated so it doesn’t crack when it cools
  12. Just went out to see her what’s for tea. Told to “f**k off im busy, use your imagination” so smoked sausage, beans and cheesy chips it is
  13. As long as she thinks you’ve been busy, result
  14. Just went for a can of lager and farted, I’ve had to clear out, it’s reekin
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