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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. I have to say supermarket staff have been absolutely brilliant throughout all this, you all genuinely have my love and respect
  2. Calm doon, I’ve flouted f**k all Lockdown should have been earlier, Mother’s Day weekend was mental
  3. I won’t give the details, but it’s starting to hit home what’s coming. It seems to be giving people the jolt needed to behave and adhere to advice
  4. That’s 3 people I know now died over this shitfest, getting real now
  5. Cmon Pete, you don’t actually think they go on like this IRL do you ?
  6. Get your arse to the doctors is the first step, then you’ll get referred to someone that can help you. It’s a big step, but worthwhile Listen to him @Thereisalight..
  7. I’m an ignorant b*****d apparently, at least she didn’t ask me to record her for FB
  8. I sincerely hope that’s the case. Its what’s they’re prepping for though and they won’t be far wrong.
  9. Just had the postie at the door, with a fucking parcel from China, pie getting booted in approximately 7 1/2 hours
  10. “Right that’s me, I’m away” ”aye hen, see you later” ”you going to lie there all day ?” ”well, no all day, I’m pacing myself” ”get fucking up and do something and I’ll be checking to see if you’re online” ”cheerio hen”
  11. Me too, but on boats. Unless they’re sinking or have a boiling of prawns for me, I’m staying put.
  12. I’ve said on here before that grandparenting is the best job in the world, but this shit is different. Thank f**k for FaceTime, I’m lost without them
  13. Put the owner in jail. Looks like it was Friday night
  14. Just been sent a video of a dolphin bar in Dundee that was supposedly open yesterday, it was bouncing tae. No idea if there is a bar named that or if it was indeed yesterday though
  15. Exactly my symptoms, this makes me feel better, cheers
  16. A beautiful sight this morning, hope you’re all getting your viTamin T lads
  17. I took to the coughing with the shit dry air shortly after take off, they were cringing and shaking their heads. I particularly liked wen she went to the toilet, came back, opened her crisps, pulled the mask down and was licking her fingers with each mouthful
  18. Just back from Cyprus, only 16 allowed in a coach to airport, but then thrown in with well over a thousand at airport departures. Nearly 200 on the flight and the only two that were wearing masks had to sit in front of me. What a state, didgy and nervous as f**k if anyone went near them. They did take their masks off however to eat crisps and sweets, so they managed. Plane stopped and they made a run for it down the aisle from row 20, they got as far as row 18.
  19. No more in flights to Cyprus, just out. Hotel should be as I like it within a couple of days
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