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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. Started to take effect around 4 weeks for me. The side effects are a pain in the arse (no not really an actual pain in the arse) but the positives of it, outweigh the side effects, although one in particular is currently being enjoyed by my wife. Had a long conversation with her a couple of nights ago, started off with her giving me a kiss and saying “welcome back” Anxiety and depression is hard, but sometimes we forget what it also does to our partners and families. I was oblivious to this.
  2. Not quite the grade of Berwickers, but none the less decent chaps
  3. It was hilarious watching kids leading their drunk parents about, you’ll love it
  4. Aye media isn’t great. I used to be the liaison officer between EU and the juniors, that was fun back in the day
  5. That’s my thinking also. I’ve never heard anything about Duns, they’re currently looking for promotion out the BA B league. I personally never thought when they came into EOS a few years ago it would be sustainable and it wasn’t. Things may have changed though, the facilities are certainly worthy of EOS There’s a debate going on now about where Eyemouth would return too. Just my personal opinion but I think BA would be a better start up, although I’d obviously prefer EOS. I just can’t see EU with the finances and potential players with the appetite. The junior set up is good here, so it’s important to have an adult team. Some teams in the region struggle for players on a Saturday, it’s becoming more difficult with each year
  6. My granddaughter has cerebral palsy and in her diagnosis has quad spasticity. The word spastic is still used, unfortunately it’s still used to mock. We’ve come a long way with offensive words of the past, the disabled however are still seen as fair game
  7. Aye can’t say I’m ecstatic about the rewind line up, still, just enough to say f**k it and go.
  8. Much as I love Jeff Lynne,the ticket prices for that Tour are eyewatering. They were £114 for two, not on the floor though and hotel was £38, so no too bad
  9. Tickets purchased for.... Diana Ross ELO The Killers Rewind Scotland lets rock Scotland
  10. Congratulations to you both @19QOS19 Lovely news, all the best
  11. All the best to each and every last one of you going through shite times, new year, hopefully new us
  12. They avoided me because I was a mess, if you did dare to stop and speak to me, not many did it twice. Some people just don’t feel comfortable with other people’s grief or problems. Mine were very public at the time, which is par for the course in a small community. I had quite a few friends beforehand, I came out with one and what a friend he is. Professional help I’d recommend, it certainly helped me
  13. I’ll drink to that mate, it can f**k right off for me Honestly have been there so many times, think I am fine, feelings start swirling & before I know it, I am in floods of tears. I then get frustrated at myself for being that way & the cycle continues. I try to use the headspace app as much as I can when I go that way as it usually eventually brings me back but I always feel utterly emotionally exhausted & embarrassed afterwards which I can't shake off even if no one else has witnessed it. It was the embarrassment that got to me, I was avoided like the plague by people, although I did understand why
  14. I was like this for 18 months, although I knew the reason for it. It was horrible and uncontrollable, just a massive wave of emotion would come over me. I’d refused to get help in that time, but I came home one day to my wife and Doctor sitting waiting on me, they dished a few telts out, I got on board and never looked back. All the best with this bud
  15. My dad passed nearly 3 weeks ago, after failing for over a year. I thought I’d have it under control when the time came, 82, good innings etc but I’m broke by it. As you say the numbness and dreams, the emptiness and helplessness which has got worse since the funeral. I’m also proud though, the way we all dealt with his passing, especially in his last weeks and days as a family. You stay strong bud
  16. She’s just gave me a breakdown of how many people she buys for and how much she spends on Xmas presents, I’m stunned
  17. Claimed he had two disabled kids, after another poster used an offensive word, then when said poster apologised for it called him another offensive word and then went off on one about where he adopted them from A reason I enjoy on here, whether I post or not, is because shit like this is far and few between and quite rightly stamped out almost immediately
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