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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. Well that clown needs emptied sharpish, thought it was dryhorce again to start with. There’s a few more need emptied after the disabled comments. We’ve come a long way with homophobia, racism etc, but we’re miles behind imo with these types of comments
  2. This says it all, f**k this joker off and go where you’ll be welcomed
  3. OMD last night were brilliant at Newcastle, Diana Ross tickets purchased for Glasgow next year
  4. They are fussy eaters now, so we don’t argue with them, that’s the parents job. Pizza suits all tastes. They’ve had me doing pancakes, proud moment when they eat what I make
  5. We normally just sit in silence for half an hour after they’ve gone, then put the house back together and have a drink, bless them
  6. Quite frankly I’m disgusted you wasn’t at Berwick today pal
  7. Absolutely brilliant today from Penicuik and Broxburn. I’ve watched the Eos during its best and recent worse times, great to see it making headlines for the right reasons again. There can’t be many ex junior supporters left that think the decisions made by their club were wrong now surely
  8. I worked for a door step lender for 25 years, they had their good points, but they had bad as well. The pressure from higher up was disgraceful at times though, all to reach targets. Glad I’m out of it now
  9. Was it not to a poster who was burying his gran
  10. It was Spartans football academy that started it, then a poster put it in here to get support in the LL forum. I just remember thinking it would end in carnage
  11. He also didn't believe I didnt get married either. Some random on here had to verify it haha. A bit strange I vaguely remember he even ripped you for your stag doo as well
  12. Some great memories. The abattoir tale was brilliant. The sin bin should make a return
  13. Let’s just ignore that fuckface started the violence by kicking the lad in the heed
  14. There’s ways to get your point across, then there’s this
  15. A nice 6 mile walk, then a few with the afternoon squad, jeest braw mun
  16. Said months ago to do this, hopefully this returns you to being in amongst us elite soon
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