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Everything posted by Hedgecutter

  1. Tbh, the other photo is a little Skanky-Charity-Fae-Emmerdale-esque.
  2. I'm not going to lie, I'm like this with all the weather girls, whatever the age (even Judith). I'll watch the weather and come away from it knowing nothing other than what the suppertime forecast is in three days time. Stav's an exception. Can't think why.
  3. I noticed that the Bobbin in Aberdeen had somehow made it onto CAMRAs list of real ale pubs. Wager says there's only ever been one ale on of late.lying Edit to add: Found a lost yellow card lying about a couple of months ago. Result.
  4. Theory: Gillian Smart is just really a weathergirl but has to be anchor now and again just to cover up Catriona Shearer's late night partying lifestyle when she fails to make work early morning.
  5. Dough Velociraptors were only around in the late Cretaceous btw They were also tiny: Anyway, onwards...
  6. Forgot that in the Gaelic version of Danger Mouse, the 'DM' actually stands for Donnie Murdo! 45 secs onwards is brilliant... Hasn't got the Dotaman theme tune out of my head though.
  7. I never, ever thought I'd find myself saying this but I've stumbled across a non-alcoholic beer which actually resembles beer and doesn't taste grim (Bavaria 0.0) Becks Blue and alcohol-free Michelob on the other half are just horrible. I infamously spewed into a wine bucket on a heavy Xmas Party when I worked in a club and I still firmly believe that it was the taste of the latter which tipped me over the edge (and there was me thinking I should take it easy for a drink or two at the time). Honest truth!
  8. In an old job when they were still legal tender I used to keep a small stash of these just for English tourists who specifically asked for English notes in change.
  9. I once got a Clydesdale Bank tenner turned down at a Subway in Guildford which was across the road from a... wait for it... Clydesdale Bank branch.
  10. Also, the number of police and media staff crawling about Aberdeen Royal Infirmary just now is quite funny.
  11. Just heard Waterloo Sunset on the radio just now for the first time and only now realise how bad the live performance was in the Olympic closing ceremony. La la la la la, Waterloo thun-set, la la la la la.
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