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Everything posted by Hedgecutter

  1. Waiting 35 mins for a late bus only to find that's packed full of tourists with no space left. F*** you Ballater Highland Games.
  2. Is a whole week waiting to see a GP relatively long or just standard in your guys experience?
  3. I'm on a Stagecoach bus with a new nifty GPS screen / sound system telling passengers where they are. The problem is that it's been shouting out streetnames every 20 secs for the last half hour. Shut up!!!!!!
  4. We've got a WWF poster up in our staff room (no, not Bret Hitman Hart) where there's a cute little tiger cub with the words "Beauty worth saving" across it. It's obviously nothing about the animal's welfare, it's all about saving them just for us to say "awwww, ain't it cute" when we see them in a documentary or at the zoo. Saying that, I'm sure they'd raise more funds if they used a picture of the Arse-faced Beetle instead.
  5. Doing a shite and then cleaning your arse, only to feel another random bowel movement and having to repeat the process again.
  6. I'm not usually one for these kind of films, but I rented it out for 99p and thought the same. To my shame, it was only just before that film came out that I realised there had been an abdication etc back then.
  7. Weekends are for getting away from it all. Monday nights after a first hard days work are the perfect time to play catch up.
  8. 3/4 bottle of Rioja wine and three tins of Tyskie. Gotta love a Monday film night.
  9. Saw it a couple of weeks ago but still not got this 'amazed' feeling as if it's one of the greatest films of all time. Certainly enjoyed it though so 7/10. Finally just watched the original Logan's Run. Just weird and a 5.5/10. Funny how all 60-70s films have the same perception of the 2000's though. What will our world be like in 45 years? Unpredictable!
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