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Everything posted by Hedgecutter

  1. For some reason certain beers can make you feel like shite despite not having much of it. For me, Staropramen gives me a headache the next morning if I have a few pints of it. If I have a higher volume of anything else, I'll be fine as long as I stick to lager / ale. Weird.
  2. I ordered a fish supper and a single fish this evening just to mess with the system.
  3. Websites which differ from the norm when viewing it on a mobile and not giving the option to have the normal layout. Its obviously thinking it's being useful but most of the time its a pain in the arse.
  4. Pretty much the same method then, just that 1A, 1B and 1C equates to 20, 19, 18 and so on...
  5. Just out of interest, in what form does your uni give your exam / assessment marks? I'm noticing a bunch of different things throughout the thread which might not mean anything to those without Glasgow for example. When I was at Aberdeen, you got a mark out of 20 for each piece of work / exam while related to the following expectations. 9 - 11: Third 12-14: Desmond 15-17: Upper Second 18-20: 1st Class Most of mine were a combo of 17s and 18s but I got a 17 in my last main project (20 credits) which made me finish with an average of 17 throughout the degree which sucked at the time. So much difference in effort between finishing on a 17 and a 15, yet both finish with a 2:1.
  6. If you're going down anytime soon during the Olympics, I saw on the news the other day that the centre of London is absolutely dead and that booths on the street currently have some pretty decent discounts to get folk through the doors. There was something a bit '28 Days Later' about some of the pictures they were showing of Piccadilly Circus etc.
  7. ^^^ Just regardless of the situation. No exceptions. Worst ones in cubicles are the lingerers. You'll go in and they'll sit there as quiet as anything, waiting for you to do your thing and leave first. Usually you can faintly make out a series of plops as soon as you turn on the hand-drier. Recently I flushed the toilet just after the other guy had and he just quickly banged open the door and fled the bathroom without washing his hands, simply so nobody would know he'd scandalously been for a shite. Mink.
  8. Folk acting surprised that a major sporting event like the Olympics would be a shambles when organised by folk in the UK.
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