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Everything posted by Hedgecutter

  1. Could that not just be because you are / were a Rangers fan in the east end of Glasgow?
  2. Next thing to address - will 'The Rangers FC' get away with trading under that name. Was something not mentioned a while back about this being challenged?
  3. I'd imagine that the majority of Pars fans will be happy enough with this? They get eight 'derby' games with Raith and Falkirk (another 4 if you want to include Cowden in with them) instead of being pumped rotten again all season. Best decision as far as I'm concerned.
  4. From a while back... ... they've tried to tell everyone that's there's nothing to worry about since all these reports came out.
  5. At this rate they'll be lucky if there's enough time for clubs to play each other three times!
  6. You've also got an uneven split with an 11 club league so that would need to be ditched seeing as different groups of teams would have more games to play.
  7. Their fan-base would also abandon ship pretty quickly after County come to town and give them a battering. The problem with the Third is that the fans will travel about to see their team win most of the time seeing as this is the whole point of being a 'Rangers' fan in the first place in the eyes of many. The siege mentality thing also won't help.
  8. The stupid Facebook favourite "I'd rather die with Rangers' history than live with yours" line is also getting rather tedious.
  9. I don't buy them, but I'd imagine they're probably worth getting just for the Phone-in columns alone.
  10. Reading the Sunday papers yesterday, I'm fed up of seeing the likes of Gilmour come out with things along the lines of 'why should innocent parties be punished as a result of Rangers?' etc. St Mirren etc are not blameless - if you've been running a stupid business model based on the survival of one club for years then don't expect to be shocked to be brought back down to Earth one day. SPL clubs will have known that the bubble would eventually burst yet still went down this route in order to keep up with the Jones', just thinking it would be some other chairman's problem in the future.
  11. Even Tilly / Seaton's nae too bad. Being right next door to the uni, I had a couple of mates who had a flat in there and it seemed fine, during the day at least. Seaton Park can be a bit dodgy at night I've hear though as students can find out first hand by taking the usual shortcut through to Hillhead Halls which is otherwise fine and rather nice. Naturally Aberdeen has it's more deprived bits seeing as where there's super-rich then there's bound to be some poor places but they're absolutely nothing compared to what the Central Belt has to offer. The general gist from most mates who have lived in Aberdeen all of their lives is that 'The Logie' next to the Haudagain and Hayton are the worst bits that they can think of and even they're pretty tame. Maybe it's just the folk that stay there making it a drugs-den or whatever though. Just cause you stay there doesn't mean that you're in poverty or a total minker, it's just that you can't afford the high rents elsewhere and would still be seen as 'well off' in the eyes of those down south in Howatshaws, Mountblow, Niddrie etc. Most of these folks are probably in work but are on normal paid by the hour wages in a city which has the best economy in the UK after London. The associated problem with that however is that there's enough money floating about for a bigger drug problem to be present. Can't mind if I said anything about it earlier in the thread (I can't be arsed checking), but I once pulled Scout Christmas Post duty for Craigmillar and Niddrie in Edinburgh about 15 years ago. Naturally this involved having to go into the tenements/flats with junkies sleeping in the stairwells etc, that being if you could actually get into them as having a working buzzer seemed to be a luxury. At one point I delivered a card to a pile of rubble and another to a front door with planks of wood nailed over the door. Most people I met seemed like nice enough people though. Edit: just tried to a streetmap trip down memory lane and can only find nice looking modern houses. Have most of the Craigmillar / Niddrie shiteholes been torn down and redeveloped or something???
  12. Sorry, but I'm calling bullshit on this ridiculous statement.
  13. Just done a Streetview tourist trip of the place and I reckon you're onto a winner there. The nicer parts remind me of some of the worst estates in Dundee. Characteristic hillside flats overlooking the Clyde estuary with excellent views over Dumbarton castle. Close to local amenities, within easy commuting distance to Glasgow and a 15 minute drive to some of Scotland's finest scenery. Home report available on request. Viewings not recommended.
  14. I went to Vision Express for my first high street eye test and struggled to get out of the place with the staff trying to block my way out until I bought a pair of overpriced specs from them. I got just as a good a pair at Specsavers for half the price with a free extra pair thrown in as well. I've been with them ever since, although I've only got a slight prescription and don't use them very much, hence don't feel the need to get any fancy brand frames.
  15. So when are the non-league seniors going to have a proper pop at the lack of fair application process then?
  16. What are the chances of them making a sudden reappearance like one of those folk that wake up in their coffin a few days after being buried when everyone assumed they were proper gone?!
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