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Everything posted by Hedgecutter

  1. Go one better and wear the half United / half County scarf you'll no doubt have from the cup final.
  2. Is posting bank details of an account thought to contain a four figure sum a good idea? I got an email from a Nigerian prince the other day looking to stick some money in my account. Maybe Raith deserve it more and I could forward these details onto him? Edit: Just remembered some wifey on Rangers media at the start of this crisis suggesting that setting up a joint 'save the Gers' account would be a great idea.
  3. I like to say that Rangers Football Club was shut down. Forget throwing in any excuse which uses the word 'company', it was the club that was shut down. Gone, like Third Lanark, remaining only in the history books. If I got 10 mates to join me in a game against some local kids at the Cathkin park pitch, that doesn't make us Third Lanark, we're still just a bunch of s***e players not even good enough to make it through the trials of an amateur club. What I said before was that it was a potential 'half-reasonable' excuse, meant to infer that Orcs would still think they have a club in their minds and have a go at us even though everyone other than them know it would be bulls**t. Let them have a fresh start and they wouldn't even bother as it would be like arguing that the brown cow in the field next door is green.
  4. Nice point. Does he honestly think that because he was signed on S-Forms at Airdrie during his youth but playing a grand total of 0 prof' games (can't beat a bit of wiki research ) that it makes him more qualified to write his opinion than the more sensible fans on here and that it has more authority as a result? Obviously so.
  5. This. The transferring of punishment is the only half-reasonable excuse that any Orc has to claim they still follow the same team and retain their history. Let them start at the bottom with no attachments and they don't have a leg to stand on in the future.
  6. So there's nothing to stop them putting a pub team together a day or two before the start of the season? Presumably they'll need to have players registered before the SFA application then and if so, there's surely a deadline for that? They don't do walking away.
  7. I was midway through writing a very similar post but then it dawned on me that the mismanagement at Rangers had been going on for years with various people involved rather than MJ just making a tit of himself over the last few weeks.
  8. I know I asked this a few pages back, but when do player registrations need to be submitted by... or will they just submit the likes of "Player 12" like the SPL did?!
  9. This. Currently giving clubs like these a vote is a complete waste of time as we know who'll vote what. Now that there's only one big club left, I wonder how the current SPL will view league reconstruction?
  10. That's what I thought he meant in the first place tbh. Still, to come out with that in any context should get him the sack.
  11. When's the deadline for registering players for the start of the new season? Surely they'll need to acquire some pretty soon an every delay just makes it more difficult for them given the uncertainty of which league they'll be in, if any.
  12. Hardly anyone's attending the other threads anymore. The General Nonsense forum used to be a hive of activity a few months ago but now there's currently just 20 members viewing it. The Big Thread is killing Pie and Bovril and must be shut down!
  13. Mass suicides from the Kingston and Erskine bridges bringing Glasgow traffic chaos, Orcs beating up little kids to feel big when they don't have the 'personal' success and high standing which they usually get attaching themselves to a large club, mass increases in drug-taking to get their Saturday afternoon high, chronic NHS psychologist shortages when 50,000 fans jam their GP's lines after a mental breakdown which in turn cuts important treatment to other more needy patients resulting in deaths nationwide. Absolute social breakdown.
  14. You see this 16 million figure "lost to Scottish football", does that include Sevco's income taking their sponsorship and potential gate losses into consideration? What's the actual figure to clubs outwith the OF?
  15. And that's with the chief executive having 16 years experience in the brewing industry on his CV.
  16. "It is passed down from generation" That's just an excuse for mass gloryhunting Mr Regan, the very thing that's been ruining Scottish football more than anything. My grandfather was a Rangers fan but watches every home QoS game now he lives in Dumfries. His two sons are Motherwell fans, I'm a Brechin fan and my brother's a Pars season ticket holder. My mum's side are all Killie fans although her dad followed Birmingham City. We're all obviously doing it wrong.
  17. Nah, it fell through in the end and now he's ironically getting arse-raped by Sexual Harassment Panda:
  18. Ah, Regan... the guy who prior to joining the SFA as chief exec had only dealt with Scottish football when trying to jump into bed with the OF for major sponsorship deals. Little's changed it would seem.
  19. Fantastic end to the BBC podcast; A massive GIRFUY from Spencey there. Niiiicccce
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