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Everything posted by Hedgecutter

  1. Must admit, I never read most of that report but I agree with the end part I did read as this picture alone makes you want to rip his head off:
  2. Fast acting and tasty: In fact, I'm going to grab myself a wee one right now...
  3. Oh well. As they say about mass extinctions: with predators gone, prey thrives.
  4. When you go to the freezer for a celebratory Knobbly Bobbly only to find a multipack box with f*** all in it. 'Refreshers' lollies had better be guid...
  5. Usually I hate coming home to the usual lame wee pile of letters on the doormat. On an exciting mail day I might be treated to a second bank statement or maybe even a special pizza deal I might use one day but today... was a pay rise day. This calls for Knobbly Bobbly.
  6. I reckon the SFA know this is doomed to fail and are scraping the bottom of the barrel now, ready to postpone this as long as possible so they can send a letter to Spartans, Gala etc when everyone's away on summer holiday. This way they can let Rangers back in under the new "nobody else answered so we had to give the place away" rule.
  7. Our board have been getting plenty of stick over the last couple of months regarding other matters so hopefully this is the way to redeem themselves. They're elected on behalf of our season ticket holders anyway so this should be a bit of an easy decision (you'd hope).
  8. Just when you thought they couldn't sink any lower lower too. This should hopefully make the SFL chairmen's decision that little more easy now.
  9. I'm surprised that Channel 4 News have showed any interest to be perfectly honest. Never saw Scottish football as 'their thing'.
  10. I'd like to be a fly on the wall and see what our chairman (a financial advice/consultancy company director) makes of Doncaster's story.
  11. Brechin still in the 'we're saying f*** all' camp but the following quote worries me: Anyone else read that as 'the money for the club is more important' or am I just being a bit negative?
  12. Ach, this one surely: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zl_IIl4-dU&feature=relmfu
  13. Bavaria Shandy (presumably with lime) - expected it to be shite but it's suspiciously refreshing.
  14. Brechin will refrain from issuing any public comment until after the meeting Statement
  15. Ah, fair dos. I think that's enough of ammo if anyone wants to have a go at them later on.
  16. At the moment, it's pretty much the case that if you don't say no then you're all for them and going to end up with some sort of backlash, although that's annoyingly similar to the OF mentality of "if you're no with us then you're against us".
  17. Anyone else read that as "we want to vote 'yes' to newco but we don't want to be slaughtered by the fans when everyone else votes no"?
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