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Everything posted by Hedgecutter

  1. I'm also a bit baffled by the comment on the the BBC website which says Lowland league? How on Earth is that going to work with 12 sides in the EoS Premier alone and another 13 in the SoS? Are they just going to tell Civil Service Strollers, Wigtown & Bladnoch etc "sorry we're taking all your 'big' games away from you but Rangers needed saved. It's a shit sandwich"? Have the EoS, SoS (and juniors even though they're not senior) even been consulted on this yet? Seems to me that the completely separate body that is the SPL are just as bad as the OF by thinking that they are Scottish football. They can get tae f***.
  2. I loved the fact that he didn't even get the usual red box with his name at the bottom of the screen which all other BBC staff or important people get. BBC obviously thought he was just a random nobody rather than a BBC member of staff. This was my take on it as well.
  3. ... and eventually they just stink so much that ticket-holders just take one look and say "f*** this for a laugh" before walking away to find somewhere else to go.
  4. Absent du bureau Actuellement à Varsovie / Kiev jusqu'en Juillet '12 1er dimanche. Si votre e-mail est un caractère d'urgence, s'il vous plaît contacter le président de votre association nationale de football. Cordialement Michel Platini ------ Out of Office reply. Currently in Warsaw / Kiev until Sunday 1st July '12 inclusive. If your email is of an urgent nature, please contact the president of your national football association. Kind regards, Michel Platini
  5. Bert Raccoon not actually having an avatar of Bert Raccoon.
  6. This! That and sticky-up pavement slabs. I must have adjusted my walking style since being in Aberdeen as I was constantly tripping over them everywhere at first (and no, they won't have been fixed since)
  7. Non-Scots living in Scotland saying "I don't care about Scottish news" (i.e. the English guy I car shared with this morning)
  8. Oi! I got an honorary BFA degree in Colouring In I'll have you know.
  9. You don't say how/where it's been used but I'm going to have a half-educated guess and say not at present. Probably wrong, but hey, I tried.
  10. Is it one of those by the end of midnight deadlines or 'before end of working day' ones? Just wondering so that I can plan ahead this weekend and make the mother of all parties Friday rather than Saturday.
  11. If you're voting a new club into the SFL then you can't be biased whether it comes in either good or bad form. They should be treated like any non-league club.
  12. Charles Green laying into folk for being opportunists, eh? I'd take one more look at who you addressed that post to if I were you.
  13. I'm trying to take the whole Rangers baggage aside and think of them like any other club (difficult, I know). If this was Queens Park who'd been liquidated (tricky for an amateur club with few enemies if any, but hey), would we be saying: 1) "Well, there's another Glasgow club who've got a lot of history behind them plus a world class 5-star stadium - we'd better let SevcoQP12 back in." or 2) "Queen's Park are sadly gone. They had their time and now it's time to give another club their shot. A real shame I know, but that's football..." (as the Rangers fans shrug and say nobody will miss Glasgow's pub team) A no-brainer for me even with a club I admire and so I hope Sevco are wiped from the face of the Earth just like Rangers FC before them.
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