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Everything posted by Hedgecutter

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tN6eZOS5wQ0&feature=fvst
  2. I suppose Sevco starting their new history getting beat by Brechin would be a good way to start the gloating
  3. Plus 'Top 6 - Bottom 5' or 'Top 5 - Bottom 6'? Someone's going to get some extra games unless the split gets chucked. Shambles.
  4. I wonder what chaos would lie ahead with regards to promotion / relegation. Surely this would give the following options: 1) Every one of the 2012/13 SPL teams is guaranteed safety this season, making the league a joke when you thought self-preservation couldn't get any worse. 2) The team in 11th gets relegated and TWO sides get promoted from SFL1 to make it a league of twelve again in 2013/14, making the upcoming First Division a rather tasty prospect. ... or am I having a dim moment and there's another way around this?
  5. In a league which only has one promotion place, it's no surprise that any club with the slightest chance of competing for the top place will tell Sevco to f**k off. Hopefully Dumbarton and the likes don't see it as an opportunity to cash in, although it doesn't take a huge crowd to fill the Rock to capacity I suppose so it's not like they'll get that much financial game from it. I'd guess that Morton and Partick would be the most likely to vote 'Yes'.
  6. Loving the background on that video as if Cosgrove and Spiersy are best mates as Cosgrove totally lays into him. Brilliant.
  7. Come on Aberdeen, you've got that once in a lifetime opportunity now, strike that killer blow...
  8. This idea which people have gradually built up whereby haggis, neeps and tatties is perceived as being a novelty food reserved for Burn's Night once a year. Guess what I'll be making myself tonight. I'll make a point of stamping on a few daisies this evening just for you. I used to get bad hayfever but it disappeared after I went to work in Oregon and Washington states which happen to be the worst places in the world for it (obviously I never bothered to research this in advance). A miserable three months (except Seattle down on the coast) but obviously cured me due to sudden exposure. I keep getting nosebleeds during the summer though (had one two hours ago funnily enough!) and keep wondering if it's in any way related.
  9. This has been pissing me off as well. If anything, they're the Scottish Cup Hibs of European football. They pull in some of the highest attendances in Europe yet haven't won a thing on the big stage apart from one trophy way back in the in the distant past which even Aberdeen managed to win. Successful
  10. And so the rollercoaster ride continues. Unfortunately for the orcs, rollercoasters slowly start working their way to their peak before quickly going through a downwards spiral of unpredictable ups and downs before ending up right down at the bottom to where it all began.
  11. Also, although Kilmarnock have always been a top-tier side since I started following football ca.1996, it was only a couple of decades ago that Brechin beat Kilmarnock to the old Second Division title. What gives them the right to be up there with the best? Nothing. If they need to survive then they can cut the spending and drop down to Ayr's (and our!) level if that's where they really deserve to be with their resources.
  12. Maybe, but I know a fair few Aberdeen fans that are usually undecided about going to Kilmarnock games simply because of the travel involved going to an 'average' away day. Most of them do but I'd be quite confident in saying MJ's easily tipped them over onto the "nah, can't be arsed going again" side of the fence. Not sure if that's a widespread consensus amongst Dons fans and it would be interesting to hear if the Arabs feel far away enough to have the same thoughts?
  13. Is this any different to Rangers going even further up shit creek because of losing out on budgeted Champions League money in the recent past? Probably not so Killie won't be getting any of my pity (even if half of my uncles and cousins happen to be Killie fans).
  14. Additionally, as far as us East Coasters like to joke about, being part of 'Greater Weegieland' isn't going to help their case when being accused of being closet Rangers fans (or OF in general) even more.
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