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Everything posted by Hedgecutter

  1. Obvious but I'll say it anyway: MJ has simply ballsed this up royally to the detriment of his own club by needlessly coming out with what he's said so early. It's inevitable that while everyone else voted Sevco out, Killie (and Motherwell to an extent) will be remembered as the only ones who were going to vote yes and they'll almost certainly be punished financially by away fan boycotts. Surely there's no way that any other club will come out in support of the 'Yes' campaign (Celtic included) and needlessly risk the wrath of almost every SPL fan next season? Nice one MJ. Nice one.
  2. The only reply orcs have to diddy fans laying into them just now is the old "I'd rather die with our history than live with yours" line (which is a load of shite anyway). Strip those titles and they're absolutely f***ed, crying in the corner for the rest of time.
  3. Rangers fans who read the Evening Depressed*. *For those not from Aberdeen, the headline each and every day is usually 'man killed in [car / motorcyle] accident near [insert placename]
  4. Considering a superior Craig Gordon agreed to play at mid-table at best Sunderland, I'd tend to agree with this. His occasional 'liability' moments also seem to be more frequent by the year. Still, whoever picks him up from the Rangers scrapheap will still be getting a pretty good bargain.
  5. The Orcs live in a deluded world where they think that because they're 'more than a club', all players must feel the same. The reality is that the players rightfully saw Rangers as a club just like any other (with the added bonus of having the occasional interesting derby) and fans don't understand that playing in front of them is just a job for most of the players. Assuming that some of the 'Rangers' support have jobs, their passion for their club lies outwith that as a recreation which dominates part of their life even if they think their life is Rangers. If Rangers do badly on the park, it just makes their life a bit more depressing but they demand that players destroy their careers and future life just for the supporter's 'fun'. They forget this is a business where you're 'past it' by the time you're 40 and these guys need to fulfil all career ambitions in the next ten years or so. Do they honestly expect them to spend at least three of those years playing against part-time players who themselves just play for fun outwith work Mon-Friday for £50 pocket-money a week? Wake up and smell the coffee.
  6. The Orcs' (esp. the Rangersmedians) anguish at the plight of Rangers is even more amusing.
  7. Indeed. How are you in the know if you don't mind me asking?!
  8. Finally fulfilled a 15 year ambition yesterday which was to get down into Scotland's largest cave chamber (up north of Ullapool) which is large enough to put Edinburgh's Usher Hall inside. It's freakin' awesome.
  9. TBH, Milne is the sort of p***k that would let 'Dons to say no' headlines hit the P&J and then the national papers to make fans start buying season tickets and then once they've sold them say "actually, we need the extra money" Stupid and unlikely but you can't rule it out.
  10. Much more likely to be the Rangers fans doing that. You guys in the SPL will be able to carry on while it's the armchair Rangers fans flicking over to the other Sky Sports channel once they've stopped a fortnight of constant greeting. It'll be like an earlier story on this thread where one poster's orc neighbour has suddenly acquired a Man City top to wear about. What we'll be left with will be a continuation by absent Rangers fans suddenly coming out the woodwork to tell you what a massive mistake you've made, thinking they're dancing on your future grave while we take great pleasure in laughing back at them. Who on here's going to be the one to start the 'Who are you going to support now?' thread on RM???
  11. Imo, looking ahead to the most likely outcome, County would be idiots to vote 'yes'. They're more likely to get boycotts from fans of the 'No' sides which won't help on top of many fans seeing Dingwall as being on the edge of the world and do County really need that extra revenue that an away Rangers support might bring? They've managed perfectly fine to date.
  12. Just got asked "sorry pal, do you know anywhere around here that sells bongs n that?" by a pissed guy walking up the street. Classy.
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