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Everything posted by Hedgecutter

  1. I temporarily quit drinking a couple of weeks ago with the intent of going another two or so. The whole idea of this was just to give my liver a wee detox after a while. I wouldn't class myself as a 'heavy' drinker although I'll be over the recommended weekly intake, maybe having 2-3 pints with mates in the pub a couple of times a week (well, one of them being the odd Saturday away day with night out) with a regular dram or neat vodka most evenings as a bit of a nightcap. Basically, rarely pissed, just consistent. Anyway, the question: does there get to a point where 'quitting' just becomes a waste of time if you were just going to stay within this recommended daily allowance? So far this is teaching me that you can actually go out with friends and have soft drinks without getting a proper slagging but this with the odd pint thrown in as a treat is probably the best way to go rather than drinking for the sake of it just I'm in a pub environment whether it be work lunch, evening catch-up with mates or just a Sunday lunch.
  2. During the first game my girlfriend went to (Keith v Fort William of all of them), I said jokingly at the start that if a team got ten corner kicks then that equated to a goal. I totally forgot all about it so when Fort knocked a ball out for a corner during the second half, I was a bit miffed when she said it was 6-0 when it was 5-0. Was only a few minutes later that it clicked she'd been counting the corners the whole way through. To her credit, she got the offside rule pretty quickly though. Still...
  3. If Gretna moved from the Northern Premier League to the SFL and then worked their way up, why couldn't it work the other way around? Story's still a load of shite though.
  4. Hopefully there's the slightest bit of truth in this so that the chairmen start to think "we'll they're planning on f***ing off anyway so let's just listen to the fans and chuck them out now". Anyway, Green can't say anything without the person / group in question coming straight back with some form of "never spoken to him" remark. Funny that.
  5. My grandad's unfortunately a Rangers fan (raised in Glasgow though I suppose) and he says he's just ignoring it as trying to follow the whole saga's just a waste of time. To his credit, he's been living in Dumfries for ~30 years now and now goes to all the Queens home games anyway.
  6. Same here. Last band on in '98 I believe. I was a dirty little rubbish-collector raising funds for a scout-trip at the time, using my magic yellow high-vis staff vest to get through to the front row Also made a tidy wee sum punting spare vests to random folk without tickets.
  7. In that situation, my mum would usually come out with "at least you saw five goals then "
  8. Top film. Even wee Danny's enjoying the latest developments in the Rangers saga:
  9. Does anyone else find that they can walk into a house and tell if there's a TV on somewhere even if you can't hear one? It's almost as if you can 'feel' it in the air.
  10. Got to assume that this ref business is just someone somewhere stirring shite. We could probably post a rumour on here that Cockwomble was bribed to vote them back in and it would be all over twitter and the media asap. The SPL would be effectively destroyed if rumours are true but if Rangers were punted from Scottish football for good as a result of the ultimate crime and hence from general society too then to me that would be a price worth paying (easy to say as a fan of a non-SPL club of course). Oidhche mhath.
  11. Unless they read the Scottish papers or visit the BBC Sport Scotland website, you'd need to tell most of them about it first.
  12. Third Lanark also left Cathkin Park which is still in decent nick and would make a suitable home for any leagueless Sevco FC who wish to play the Local XI. Goalposts and some terracing, that's all they need really.
  13. 1966 - Remembered for a team cheating their way to World Cup glory with a goal that never even crossed the line. I hate cheats. No place for them in the game. (Rather ironic after the Ukrainian 'goal' this evening)
  14. Over elaborate selection menus at the start of DVDs. Just play the f*****g thing.
  15. More like putting in the minimal amount, constantly saying 'check' and then backing out the minute proper money's mentioned. Either that or he's managed to get a sneaky peek of the cards and has decided to get the f**k out before blowing it all away. There's no 12 of Clubs in a pack anyway.
  16. As I said before when walter magically appeared, I love it when a little light repeatedly appears at the end of the long Rangers tunnel of doom, only to be continually extinguished. I presume they'll all be taking their anger out on Walter for the false hope just like they did with HMRC, right?
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