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Everything posted by Hedgecutter

  1. Absolutely, so it makes it far easier for FIFA / UEFA to help clamp down on this. However, no league in Europe has a mid-season split either but that didn't stop the SPL going ahead with it. Like Rangers, they think they're special and at the forefront of everything despite being a bunch of diddies out on the far frontier of Europe as far as everyone else in it is concerned. Edit: I wonder what magical thing's going to happen at the next milestone which will be page 1872? Not much probably seeing as that'll be later this afternoon!
  2. This whole saga is going to have a 'you'll shit bricks' type twist to the end, isn't it? I reckon Rangers will die with no league to play in, Whyte ends up jail and Green bankrupt while Gattuso walks away into the Italian sunset with £10 million briefcase, shaking hands with Stewart Milne.
  3. A big party in Manchester to celebrate the death of Rangers? You might get a few locals joining you me thinks.
  4. Oh this could be entertaining. We've already got 'The Rangers' and the 'Rangers People's Front' now. Will the Blue Knights reappear too?! I like the way they keep giving the orcs a slight glimmer of hope every time the heads are down and they're just about to accept it. It's wonderfully sadistic viewing.
  5. Brechin City Honours: The Keith Tournament Winners: 1982-93 i.e. more than The Rangers (there's multiple second division titles and a third division championship which I could have thrown onto that list but I didn't really need to.)
  6. Obviously they don't think Division 6 of the Welsh League is the best place to put them either?
  7. Just a couple of days ago there was rejoicing at getting to a 1690th page. We'll be at 1790 by this afternoon at this rate! Almost certain that 1872 will also be reached and if it carries on long enough to reach 2012, we'll have completed the game.
  8. The overuse of Vangelis' Chariots of Fire is really getting on my tits now.
  9. I wish I had the time and patience to trawl through the early parts of this thread and dig out the posts from certain Ranjurs fans along the lines of: "Erm, set's see - will I listen to experienced professionals in charge of the situation or just some bellends like yourselves on a football forum? Hmm... that's a pretty tough choice ". GIRFU the lot of ye's.
  10. A feeling I'm getting is that Rangers fans, despite most saying that 3rd would be best morally, aren't quite getting the big picture here. Most are thinking they can work their way up the leagues and then carry on as they were like not much will have changed. What will have changed is that the entire prize-money split will be more distributed and that the ridiculous chunk they were getting will be vastly reduced even if they do happen to finish second or as champions (very unlikely anyway). In the time it takes them to get back, Motherwell / Hearts / Dundee Utd will probably have had a far better budget, hence Rangers would be returning to what may be an improved league with a much poorer side than when they left in order to win less money than before. Some will say that they won't without the TV money but if Rangers return with the return of better TV deal, the other teams will get a chunk of that too... a far better chunk than Rangers if they finish above them. Oh how the tides can change. or... will the diddy's refuse them entry and then Motherwell or Dundee Utd vote against new prize-money cuts on the sly alongside Celtic as they both seize the opportunity to grab a massive cut from second and pull away from the other 10
  11. Of all the many good things to have come from this saga, perhaps the most important one long term one would be if the authorities suddenly got off their arses and actively organised this rather than just thinking "aye, that would be quite nice some day, but... manjana, manjana". That way Pollok Juniors could officially be a better team than Rangers.
  12. So 'Super Ally "we don't do walking away" McCoist' is supposedly set to, erm... walk away within the next 48 hours? Surely never.
  13. I've just been putting together a few Powerpoint slides about the Jacobite Rising of 1745 while watching the Germany game. I come back on here and this is the first post I see. Weird / creepy / funny, (delete as appropriate).
  14. Next thing will be players going to the courts appealing against a fine which they got for turning up to training late. "But I was only 10 mins late 'cause of the traffic, it's no fair of them to dock a week's wages. I need that money to pay off a mortgage by the end of next week so I went to the SFA too and they said GTF as well. Help me! "
  15. I forgot that it's all about being a part of the 'institution', not a football club. Silly me.
  16. and over c.1740 pages, more than the combined total of all the Rangers fan posts on here too (No.8 being an exception of course)
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