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Everything posted by Hedgecutter

  1. Maybe not secret but certainly a non-transparent collective vote. This would lead to a couple of situations once newco are back in. 1) The fans don't know who voted yes and would find it difficult to boycott their club knowing that they might of voted 'no'. 2) Many fans of all the SPL clubs will just f*** off and assume their clubs screwed them over. Which is it to be? Most probably no.1 with an agreement between clubs that anyone who leaks the individual votes will be locked in a hanging cage from the towers of Hampden to die a slow, painful death. Clever.
  2. Just thought, when was the last time a bottom six club wrote a letter along the following lines?
  3. As said previously, if the OF are Scottish football which many of the orcs and former players are claiming, why carry on like this with the OF being the driving force of a piss poor 'product'? If it's in desperate need of change then this is the moment to seize it sooner rather than later.
  4. Exactly the same here. Until now I've just thought that this won't have anything to do with Brechin but this could be the nail in the coffin for me if we voted to let Rangers into the SFL (I'd still follow their results of course). Our chairman is elected to do a job on behalf of our fans as the season ticket holders own the club, so there's (almost) no chance we'd vote yes to 'newco'. One team out of 30 wouldn't have much swing on their own of course.
  5. You'd think that season ticket holders would get informed of cancellations by standard email at least, Even with the Scotland Supporter's Club you get an email when a wee bit news comes up. Utter shambles from start to finish. Never realised that until now!
  6. This relies heavily on Rangers having any money to give to those who've bought them.
  7. I would say that I hope any first newco game of the season would be at Pittodrie but I genuinely think Grampian police would be overwhelmed, so no way the SPL would allow that. If they're like that with a proper diddy team (no offence intended) then how can they cope the other way around? There's no way the bulk of the Rangers could take the constant gloating they'd get all the way through the match (probably any away ground really) and clubs should be aware of this on top of everything else.
  8. No surprise there then. If you mentions Rangers down there then they'll probably think of QPR first. Global brand my arse.
  9. When was the last time Rangers played fair with regards to player contracts?
  10. I believe that I'd be speaking on behalf of pretty much every Sheffield United fan if I were to say to Rangers fans: Told you so.
  11. Just waiting for the flood of 'Hitler finds out Rangers are to be liquidated' YouTube videos now.
  12. Where's the closest (senior) team to Bonnybridge - Stenhousemuir or Falkirk... Clyde? (I'd rather follow Stenny than Falkirk btw)
  13. RockNess is over-rated now anyway so save some money: Go to Loch Ore, pitch a tent (the more poorly the better, one peg's enough) along the edge, take multiple crates of beer, blast out some Biffy on a playlist (live versions of course) using a set of portable speakers and throw an inflatable nessie into the water. There's also bound to be the sound of sirens in the background from Lochgelly. It'll be just like the real thing but a tenth of the price. Sorted.
  14. Knowing nothing about this, I just had to Google this 1690 battle. What the hell does the Battle of Beachy Head have to do with Rangers???
  15. I know a guy who's been a Pars fan all of his life but because he moved to Grangemouth and his son has grown up there, he's brought him up to support... Falkirk. Now there's a man of principle.
  16. Similar to me then. There's a big difference between me moving to Aberdeen as a Brechin fan (been here a decade) now and someone born and bred in Aberdeen following Rangers (or someone here with no association with Brechin following us as we actually have a chance at winning a league. Unlikely, but there might be one looking for better value for money!)
  17. A wee thought: Rangers and Celtic don't have any city / town in their name (few go around calling them Glasgow X) within Scotland so if Rangers were to reform as Glasgow FC or something similar, would it make a difference to folk outwith the Glasgow area as it's easier to say "why do you support Glasgow when you live in Aberdeen/Edinburgh/Stornoway?" Seems that the "three generations of my family have supported the... newco Rangers" excuse might fall on it's arse with that one.
  18. Just discovered that someone shouting "we built the pih-ra-mids!" loudly in a Fife accent during the Big Bang Theory song, followed by "...and i' aww startit wi a big bang, BANG!" sounds amazing. Also, this Poland v Russia game is going to be nuts
  19. Would this be a good time to bring back the idea of a bunch of mixed fans making a mass trip to a Berwick Rangers game (aka the 'Wee Rangers' - how ironic) with a big banner saying "We f***ed off to England, why can't the OF??!"
  20. We'd better hurry up making those 'H&D B.R.A.T.' t-shirts then, especially as the last 1690th page is fast approaching.
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