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Everything posted by Hedgecutter

  1. Not quite. From the exception of Tertiary volcanics like Skye, all things NW of the Highland Boundary Fault (ie Stonehaven, Crieff, Bute) were part of the ancient continent Laurentia which present day North America and Greenland were also part of. The Grampian block SE of Loch Ness (the Great Glen Fault) were shallow marine sediments on the Laurentian (i.e. 'North American' plate) continetal shelf and lateral equivalents to the NW Highlands. The Midland Valley terrane however was a separate volcanic island arc system like Japan which later crashed into it as the Iapetus ocean between Avalonia (England) closed. The final stage involved England on the other side smashing into us and this is what triggered most of the granite formation within the 'Caledonide' mountains, formerly the size of the Himalayas but we're now just seeing the eroded roots of it. These granites were formed ~350 million years before the Atlantic even started spreading. Iceland is a very recent part of the Atlantic Ridge volcanics splitting up what was previously the amalgamation of these continents with a few more added on. Technically Iceland isn't on any continent as it's on thinner, basaltic Oceanic Crust, not thick continental. Scotland has always been on this side of the Atlantic. We haven't sailed across it, it's simply split us apart from North America. Skye, Mull etc are just two 'ancient' Icelandic style volcanic centres from when this ocean spreading kicked off. Additionally, only the SE of England has much chalk, most of it's sandstone, limestone with some lavas in the lake District etc. However, chalk would probably have covered the British Isles (including Scotland) but most of it's been eroded away. Most of England's water comes from underground aquifers and hence the limestones of northern England make the water 'hard' and shyte. Most of Scotland's comes straight off the mountain and stored on impermeable hard rock, e.g. Loch Katrine. Sorry for that, but I felt it needed addressed.
  2. Rangers Media poster doing to P&B what P&B has been doing to Rangers Media for weeks.
  3. With certain games, is the whole idea of needing to have a certain number of players under a certain age classed as age discrimination towards the older guys in the squad? Are they likely to take action against the authorities or their club? Thought not.
  4. Walter Smith once shook the hand of a Celtic manager at the end of an OF game. Easy.
  5. Coming back into the client office after a weeks holiday and finding an email in your inbox saying that today's your last day after being here for 15 months.
  6. Went and saw Angel's Share yesterday and genuinely laughed out loud when greying lower league superstars Charlie Miller and Andy McLaren popped up in minor roles, both trying to act like Big Man. The laughing wasn't a problem seeing as the other half and I were the only ones in that screen - weird.
  7. I just got my Scotland supporters club membership card through the door so I would!
  8. Anyone else worried that FIFA will see this as a grand one-off opportunity to take out one of the Home Nations with all this happening on top of the Team GB fiasco?
  9. I'm going to admit, I've not yet worked out what happens at midnight but I'll stick out the next 9 mins just out of curiosity.
  10. I came back today from a week away and am struggling to get through this with an understanding of whatever's just happened.
  11. Just watch what happens when Fenlon signs the best players the League of Ireland has to offer. Gary Twigg went there from Brechin and pretty much became a sensation for Shamrock overnight.
  12. As I said, I had the Johnny Walker BL last night and it was nice enough but I've yet to find a blend which competes with a decent malt imo - they just have this 'meh' after-taste. I'm snobbish with my drams, I know.
  13. If you don't know what you like, just go to the supermarket or even coopy and get whatever malt's on the ~£20 - 25 special offer. There's usually one on. I enjoy Black Bottle blend neat which is quite cheap (£15?) although it relies on you liking a bit of Islay peat/smoke. If it's for exams, just get a malt and treat yourself. I'd personally go to the pub and buy a dram there to see if I liked it before committing to buying the bottle.
  14. That was Doumbe... until he scored the shiteiest only goal of the game at the death against the Pars. Strange game.
  15. For what, Brown picking the ball out the net?
  16. Two of the Hearts goals have come just as I've been about to hit Submit Post.
  17. All hoping newco Rangers get in for an excuse no doubt.
  18. Airdrie 11-0 Gala Fairydean. Well, it was Gala's cup final anyway.
  19. This must be pretty grim viewing for both Pars and Dons fans, losing out to this shite.
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