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Everything posted by Hedgecutter

  1. On the plus side of that, perhaps that's just the thing that we need to make the SPL change to a 16 or 18 team league and end this borefest.
  2. If it is that then that's a far more minor offence than pulling out the squad. My understanding was that this was all down to him saying that he wasn't going to play in just one friendly against NI, never mind pulling out of the squad in general. Personally I think Levein would stick to his guns but that's something else for the Tartan Army forum. Usual editing for spelling.
  3. After this whole Steven Fletcher affair, I think they'll already know that.
  4. Never thought about that tbh. I don't have Sky but if I were to then it would simply be down to Sky Sports, 90% of all the stuff I'd watch otherwise I can get on Freeview. Therefore I can totally imagine Rangers fans having no need for it if they only have Sky to get their side's games.
  5. Glendronach 15's in my current Top 5. Far superior to the 18 imo. I might just reach over to the drinks cabinet right now actually seeing as there's a bottle there...
  6. Glee FAIL Spare me. That seriously makes me want to block up Scotland's Secret Bunker and drop a nuclear bomb on St Andrews during Freshers.
  7. You know, the more I read these things, perhaps the SFA are incredibly corrupt and anti-Rangers. ... and then I got as far as there Half of them would still be at home on the dole!
  8. Exactly. What sort of ridiculous club would need to bring players in on loan from clubs below then in the league? I mean, imagine if Rangers were forced to go to the likes of Aberdeen and say "we can't fill a position in the team, can we have some of your players plea..." ... oh, wait.
  9. If they can't fill the bench then I'm sure they can get the odd player on loan from Stranraer.
  10. You just need to look at Sampdoria, once competing in European finals and having the amazing accolade of being on the Subbuteo cover, now playing in Serie B. Most kids today probably don't know much about them. Pub conversation in Genoa 5-10 years from now (translated from italian of course): "Remember a team called 'Rangers?" "Not really" "Scottish team, Gattuso went there for a bit." "Oh yeah, them, were they not the ones with the whole Protestant / Catholic thing going on?" "Think so" "F***ing archaeic eh?" "Got that right. Whatever happened to them anyway" "Dunno. Money problems, relegation I guess." "Oh well" "two Moretti's?" "Please" [never brought up in conversation ever again]
  11. Pick a side, walk towards it in a straight line and break eye-contact. They'll move over to the otherside quickly enough. If everyone used the same system we use on the roads and keep to the left hand side of the other person then this wouldn't be an issue. You don't hear "I hate it when you're driving along, there's a car coming towards you and it's serving all over the place as you try to get past"... oh, you do actually on single track roads. I'll save that whinge for another day, involving passing places and folk forcing you onto the grass verge."
  12. Mention Rangers up here in five years time and it'll be the mighty Cove that springs to mind.
  13. It's magic on pub quiz machines though. They try and throw out a super tough question for the money round and you end up with "which Scottish football team play their home games at Tynecastle?". Cha-ching £££
  14. I noticed that's the club's website address (perthstjohnstone.com). I always just presumed it was a marketing thing to make the people of Perth feel more affiliated with the club.
  15. They're expanding into Asia remember. This time next year you'll look out the window and there'll be Newco Ranjurs strips everywhere.
  16. They'll barely know who actually plays in the Third Division, never mind the juniors. They'll probably end up driving around looking for a place called St Mirren. "It's nae on the maps but they say it's just a few miles fae Ibrox".
  17. Went to a pub quiz last night and out of 80 questions there wasn't one geography question amongst them. Every pub quiz should have a geography quiz - it's the one I usually pick up half my points in!!! What did they replace it with? - the f***ing Olympics. What was the sports round completely dominated by? That's right, the f***ing Olympics, including previous winners of the heptathlon. Grrrr.
  18. I've noticed at the best of times that they just fill the Scottish sections with English news which they feel is relevant here because it involves a 'Scot'. "Mackie extends QPR deal" was the main Scottish Football BBC Sport Scotland story while the Rangers saga went a bit quiet FFS, livened up with Dalglish. They'll have plenty to report in the future when Whittaker makes the main headlines by signing an extension to his one year deal at Darlington or whatever.
  19. It says a lot about Scotland when the Rangers saga barely makes the normal UK sports section yet it’s Catriona Shearer’s ( ) main Scottish headline when it cuts to the Reporting Scotland ‘news from your area’. I’ve said it before and will say it again: Rangers (well, the OF in general) are disliked by pretty much everyone that doesn’t follow them, whether they have an interest in football or not. They're a cancer on Scottish society and we'd be better off without them.
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