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Everything posted by Hedgecutter

  1. Oh dear. Obviously he doesn't appreciate that this road is like the the M1 where nae c**t's going to suddenly stop for him.
  2. With the home games, would it make much difference if the away fans stayed away and didn't fill the 105 allocated seats over in the corner?
  3. There's also a large proportion of non-football fans that hate the OF. It's more the cancer of society rather than anything to do with any game.
  4. It's an international organisation which has a fair bit of money. If they're not buying nuclear warheads under the counter then they're building extravagant condos on mountain-tops in the Alps. Basically, money to burn.
  5. If the lawyers don't meet at Ibrox at 9am tomorrow morning, there's no chance a CVA will be agreed before the start of next season. Duff & Phelps better have a pretty good offer lined up as time is running out.
  6. I've mentioned this before (probably 100 pages back by now!) So it's either changing their minds based on their best interests or they've been lying through their teeth, not caring a bit if they ruin the Scottish game as long as they benefit. Either way, f**k them, time to twist the knife a bit more.
  7. Easily a tenner, no more than £15 I'd imagine. Costs me about 5-6 just to Mounthooly. Personally I'd just jump on the No.1 red line bus (on Union St) and get off at the AECC which is just 5 mins walk away.
  8. I'm not planning on being there any time soon, but what do prisoners in the UK actually do in jail? Do they have to muck in with chores around the place or is it a case of constantly fannying around watching TV while working out in the gym and picking fights with the fresh-fish?
  9. I reckon they would just to feel that they'd got one over everyone... and then give up on them when they start losing more than they win, using the ''it's not the same club' excuse to try and avoid the gloryhunter jibes.
  10. Don't forget, for every post on this thread another gloryhunter cries themself to sleep at night. This one's for Dave in Kilbirnie.
  11. Are the administrators not there to get the best for the creditors rather than get the best deal to screw them over?
  12. This 660ml Peroni is going down rather well. Normally I'd stick this on the 'What are you drinking?' thread but this is no normal day. Fanbloodytastic :-D Still another bottle to go...
  13. This just goes to show what I always say, if you don't know much about whisky then don't pay much attention to one person saying "don't try this one, it's rank, this one's the best...". Unless you have exactly the same taste then you'll probably just go away thinking that even the 'best' whisky tastes shite. I'm really not a fan of Jura though and the island doesn't deserve to be next to Islay. Quite nice with apple juice though.
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