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Everything posted by endieinreekie

  1. It's actually a decent film for what it is, but our daughter constantly wants to watch and after watching it about 5 times in 3 days it does start to grate.
  2. Quite a lot of female cyclists around today wearing low cut tops
  3. I scored 6 but not off one delivery, sadly. I then bowled 2 overs for 19!! Not a good day at the office, but at least there were no Orange marches in the fashionable Grange
  4. I played cricket at Grange Loan yesterday, home of Carlton CC. Cracking ground and clubhouse. We lost by 8 wickets, but a most pleasant experience otherwise.
  5. It was only a matter of time. I normally have one when I come back. Cheers for the advice guys,I do try and move them about as much as I can. I've got a hybrid and can't adjust the height of the handlebars, at least I don't think I can.
  6. My hands/wrists get quite sore when cycling for any distance, does anyone have any tips for reducing the pain?
  7. You've got it stuck in your shoe? Anyway, Fucking choooooon!!!
  8. Wiping your arse with a wet wipe. A simple pleasure, but the feeling of cleanliness and frshness is awesome.
  9. Superb work, I hope you went for a well deserved tea break afterwards
  10. You are an inspiration to us all, I can only try to emulate your fine example. You should run motivational seminars
  11. An institution that is lucky to have had both our coats sitting on the backs of chairs.
  12. Too late, am already an employee of the Scottish Government
  13. Our chief executive came up with a good idea the other day, 'punching through our job descriptions'. I think he means doing stuff we don't normally do. If so, he can go f**k himself, I can't even be bothered doing what I'm supposed to be doing, let alone anything else
  14. What's the difference between ginger beer and ginger ale?
  15. ^^^ lucky recipient of Peter Dog's attention
  16. I think his point was that the term 'clap' was being used instead of 'stroke'. Clap would imply standing up and giving the dog a round of applause. Which no animal deserves. Unless of course it rips the UPS guy's podsack off and spits it back in his face while rolling helplessly on the ground in massive amounts of pain.
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