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Everything posted by stanley

  1. If there are only 9 teams in the South Super then how many league games will they play? Surely not 16? 32 seems a lot for juniors and 24 would leave an imbalance with home/away games. Wouldn't it get a bit boring playing the same local teams over and over again?
  2. Will this he another meeting where no real progress is made and we find out nothing? I hope not but hard to expect anything given the lack of official news for so long.
  3. They can still claim to be "junior" despite being in the senior pyramid. Cut ties with SJFA and I suppose that option is gone. Seems to be important to some and I'd imagine especially in the west.
  4. Why would Glenrothes move to the EoS if that's happening?
  5. The Lothian Thistle name survived its merger so perhaps both names will be incorporated.
  6. Could they potentially "merge" and stay with the name Leith Athletic? I could see that happening as it's the more famous name. There are already quite a lot of Edinburgh senior clubs and not a lot of suitable facilities so I can see why they might go down the merger route.
  7. SPFL3 is an absolutely terrible idea which is why it might well end up happening. Who knows how they come to decision in Scottish football? Anything that potentially benefits the Old Firm seems likely to end up happening. So many things wrong with the idea. 1) Colts being part of the pyramid. No first teams want to play them and no fans want to watch them and it shows complete disregard for clubs in the lower leagues. Also, I really fail to see the benefits for younger players in the colt teams. They would get far more benefits if they went out on loan. 2) The idea of it being a mix of HL, LL and colt teams is ridiculous. Highly doubt the HL teams would be keen to be elevated up to playing teams in the central belt and colt teams. We certainly have no need for another national league.
  8. If there is to be an SPFL3 (I certainly hope there won't be) then it should be done based on league positions not on facilities and the fact that teams applied for the league and were rejected many years ago.
  9. About time there was an official statement. Tedious having to go over the same things for months with no clarity at all from SFA. One thing is for certain. I have more faith in members on here to come up with a solution than I do in the likes of Maxwell. The whole thing seems like a huge mess with no proper leadership or understanding from above. My gut feeling is that the juniors will end up in at level six and it will be a mess. I reckon the SFA don't really care and want whatever seems easiest to them i.e just putting juniors in the pyramid without giving any thought to how things will work or issues it will cause.
  10. Agreed. I don't think it's sour grapes. I think people object fairly to teams like Edusport. BSC would be better if they could get a ground in Glasgow but Edusport are a bit of a joke no matter where they play in my opinion.
  11. Yeah, Maxwell didn't come across well. I'm not sure he really understand non-league football.
  12. Thanks for the info. I make it all clubs with floodlights applying except Sauchie, Dunipace, Dunbar, Leith and Heriot-Watt and all top fours except Bo'ness.
  13. Not sure where to post this as there are a number of threads covering similar topics but good luck to all the clubs this week who have applied for licences. The more licenced clubs, the better as far as I'm concerned. I'm sure lots of people have put in work at various clubs and hopefully they are rewarded with a licence.
  14. Hopefully the rules are applied equally. Feels like the normal time is once you're in, you're in. I suppose it would be very hard for them to let clubs retain a licence without floodlights but they could give them a long grace period. The fact that every single one of the former SFA members managed to get licensed makes me wonder how equal it will be.
  15. Totally undeserved for jc1 considering the way he's come on here and openly debated the future for his club and listened to lots of different opinions. That type of comment is not the way to go about convincing clubs to leave the juniors. I think he deserves credit for the way he's posted on here recentlu regardless of what decision his club makes.
  16. I don't really mind what organisation the clubs end up in. I think that the priority is all clubs ending up in the same one. If the juniors have to give up their organisation then maybe the seniors give up their one too. I doubt it will happen but I was simply replying to another poster who suggested it. EoS or new organisation, it didn't really matter. Very few of the existing EoS clubs have a long history in the EoS. No real need to do away with the EoS but everyone being in a new merged one with no claims to one side having "won" is one potential solution. Not the most realistic and too many conflicts for it to happen but still a potential option. Any merger right now on juniors and seniors clearly wouldn't be equal. Would have to be smaller number of east juniors in the top league considering most of their best clubs have already moved to the EoS and obviously the Tayside issue is still to be resolved.
  17. I think that's a decent idea. I have no problem with east juniors being in for one season as long as it's made clear that a merger will take place at the end of the season and clubs in both associations know what they are playing for. A new organisation for both to be combined in might end some of the senior v junior arguments but may prove difficult in practice. Whatever happens, the future should be all clubs in the same system. Too many people trying to protect their own jobs may make this difficult. Still crazy that clubs from the same area are in separate systems.
  18. Don't see any point in senior teams playing in the junior cup. Just means extra fixtures. Waste of time for the senior teams IMO.
  19. If junior clubs play in the senior pyramid and the leagues have to change their rules etc. to align with the seniors too then how are they still junior?
  20. He's right that two stands had about 500 in each but he forgot to mention the other two which were virtually sold out...
  21. Two stands were almost sold out including the biggest stand. Wheatfield then had two sections open and Roseburn had a couple open for Livi fans.
  22. The SoS should be shown some respect, yes, but it is effectively an amateur league with historical senior status. It cannot be on the same level long-term as the EoS without significantly expanding its catchment area. I still feel like the league and clubs wouldn't object too much about dropping down the levels because I don't think most of them have ambitions to be in the LL. If it does drop down a level of two then licensed clubs should be given the option to stay at a higher level if they choose. Creating a LL 2 East/West would help solve some problems including the SoS issue and it would strengthen the LL as a whole and I think it would help it in terms of gaining automatic promotion spots to the SPFL longer term.
  23. Is the South premiership meant to represent the South of Scotland League? Long term there's no way it should be same level as east and west.
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