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Everything posted by thisal

  1. My objection to summer football has nothing to do to improving quality or watching in warmer weather. It's entirely to do with having other things to do in the good weather and boredom in the winter.
  2. This website is named after a sheep filled delicacy.
  3. Lynx in Parkhead. That'd be a first.
  4. That was what he was getting with Lampard.
  5. Now that they have a leader that has achieved a consistent majority for independence in the polls all these people who have supposedly always voted SNP are going to no longer vote for them because of this. Agent Provocateur don't just sell scants.
  6. The ball is the offside line in this case not the defender.
  7. Motd discussing the offside rule again loses credibility when you look at the ball and their line.
  8. No . they can listen to any music from that era. You on the other hand will be dead soon and will miss so much great music still to come.
  9. Makes sense Should the Scottish not be investing in Rosyth now. Maybe under the guise of easing congestion at Dover.
  10. Quick Question. Scotland becomes independent in the EU. How will this help food imports and exports to the EU that go through Dover? Surely they'll have to go through customs at Gretna and Dover.
  11. I'd agree with you on how the parties will form. But not on the Tories winning the first election. I'd assume we would have PR so a Tory majority is a none starter. A centre left coalition would be my guess.
  12. Maybe I've got it all wrong. To me Impeachment system just seems wrong. It's decided by a political vote. You've either committed a crime or you haven't. There should be an independent means of judging this. Not decided by party politics. If Trump gets impeached his supporters will just say it's a political decision. If he doesn't the his detractors will say he was let of because Pence didn't have the political will to impeach. Doesn't seem very robust.
  13. Realising they're no longer useful, but haven't realised they're still idiots.
  14. As an older chap that draw gives me the fear. I don't want to talk about it.
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