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Everything posted by thisal

  1. The plaster in my bedroom looks perfectly flat. But when I shine my lamp on it at an acute angle you can see it's slightly concave. Wow I hear you say. But wait the the bulb in that lamp is Mazda 40W. Mazda named after Ahura Mazda "the lord of Wisdom". 40 as in 40 days and 40 nights. Have you seen the rain this week. It's perfectly clear to me my plasterer is an alien and has sent a warning. I've already ripped up my decking and am building an ark.
  2. thisal


    That poll asks for one answer to 2 questions. Thinking the rUK should be allowed to make their own choice is a different question from should England be independent.
  3. I'm not really in the know about the inner workings of the SNP. But looking from the outside it seems there is a small group in the SNP looking to rock the boat. They seem to rely on the unionist community to publicise their agenda. The Times print some speculation and it's retweeted by the unionist community.
  4. Aw right. I was going to boycott them because I heard they were persecuting Weegies.
  5. No it was response to Leeds quite rightly taking the piss over Frank Lampard's tears at spygate.
  6. Just spent an enjoyable morning going down memory lane. But the more I listened the more obvious it became that Scottish music hasn't changed. Nearly all of these bands could have been from any year from the last 40 in both look and sound.
  7. It's all here European club attendances Click on the country you want to see from the list on the left. Then pick a year.
  8. That game finished 2-0, but if it had finished a draw we would still have qualified unless Wales went to Czechoslovakia and won. They lost that game and the Czechs continued with an unbeaten run in competitive home games that lasted from 1968 to 1986. It's hardly the robbery it's made out to be.
  9. I'm not ignoring anything. I was just putting your comment in context.
  10. You're ignoring the fact that the UK was in the EU at the time of the White Paper. The UK has now left. Something Better Together guaranteed wouldn't happen.
  11. 6 years ago you said the only way Scotland would be in the EU would be to remain part of the UK. We did and now we are out the EU and you're saying an independent Scotland can't guarantee to be in the EU. Extrapolate your predictions and Scotland will be an independent nation in the EU in 6 years.
  12. You should get points taken off for having someone over 100.
  13. I'm not a mechanic, but going by my own experience It still sounds like your battery.
  14. That's just another example of Toryc***iness. They turned back the clock 100 years to a time when bigotry was accepted in Scotland added Unionist to their name and made a play for the people above. If you dont vote Tory you aint Proddy.
  15. If we all swapped Arbroath and Thistle those predictions would look quite good. The Bunnet must be pishing himself.
  16. Are you saying that for his benefit or for yours to get him out your head? Hammerjag has instantaneous angry outbursts almost every day, you really shouldn't take them to heart. if you think what he said about your team is bad you should hear what he says about mine.
  17. No he's not expecting anyone to fall to Covid-19. He's talking about shootings.
  18. Can't agree with that. Going to away games is a big part of supporting Thistle and I wouldn't want to discourage away fans from visiting Firhill as they add to the whole experience.
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