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Everything posted by thisal

  1. Jamie Mackies tiktok is quite humourous.
  2. I love the politics forum. You have a lunatic with WATP in his profile saying the other lot are the ugly outworking of a visceral tribal hatred.
  3. I Greenied him because I read your posts.
  4. Comparing different eras is impossible. Football is completely different now. The most obvious difference is the protection players get. Pitch conditions are better. Sports science means players are better athletes. You could say that is an argument for Maradona but modern coaches go into much more detailed tactics. The opposition would have studied every second of Maradona from every angle. Sports science would benefit Maradona but it would also mean he would be facing stronger and faster opponents. But its all about opinions, so I'm going for Maradona, but I've always been biased since I saw him take the pish out of Scotland as a teenager in 1979. Also Jesse Owen's best time wouldn't have got past the first round at the 2016 Olympics. But he was such a stand out you would have to think that with modern tracks, equipment and sports science would the man to beat.
  5. Brilliant did you think of that yourself?
  6. How do you all do it? amazingly clever.
  7. My sides are splitting at these extremely clever and witty puns.
  8. Shots fired in Firhill "The Glasgow Times understands that the force is investigating whether a shooting took place in Firhill last night." Having been a regular visitor I would say highly unlikely and and the chances of it being on target, well.
  9. In fairness, they've been saying the same in the Premier League down south. Well obviously. Hasn't everything Doncaster's ever done come from there.
  10. I know this is an extreme scenario, but, let's say a government decides an independence referendum in one of it's nations is close but could go against it. So refuses to allow an independence referendum. The independence party for that nation decide to take to streets hold a protest. The Central government decides to make mass protests illegal without a licence and refuses to grant one. Protest goes a head and 100 000 people take part . All these people are identified and charged and sentenced them to a token 1 month prison term. The government relents and allows the referendum to go ahead on a day that happens to fall in that month. The government wins by 50 000 votes. No more referendums for a generation.
  11. Have you not been watching the OF use that tactic to influence the appeals panel, cutting out any need for messy backtracking.
  12. Sighthill flats. The scale always fascinated me. When you drove along Pinkston Road they just looked like one never ending building.
  13. Is it not the other side that burns pallets?
  14. I t does if you're the only party backing that issue. If the rest are split you don't need a majority. Get Brexit Done parties Tory and Brexit party got 45.6% of the vote. With the added bonus of BP not standing against sitting Tories. Labour, Libdem, SNP and Greens 50.4%. FPTP system and a compliant media hailed something the didn't get a majority of votes as a resounding mandate.
  15. At present there is 2 pts between 3rd and 4th and if Montrose win their game in hand that will 0. So I don't think there is much benefit in playing against either.
  16. Jesus man. That's some mighty fine spin.
  17. I don't think so. That's a copy and paste job from Tory HQ.
  18. P&B thank you for continuing to respond to their clickbait.
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