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Everything posted by thisal

  1. I love politics. You say it wasn't a big fat lie. Then explain why it is in fact a big fat lie. Inflation has gone mental I paid £20 for a loaf this morning. gave the man £20 note and got £19 change. Shocking could have got nice meal for that.
  2. Boris's Britain. Leave her she's on Zero hours. Get the dog we can get £3k a litter breeding it.
  3. Weir funded the academy. When it looked like the club were going to be bought out by a company who were apparently going to make money by selling youth players at Barnsley and Thistle, Weir withdrew his backing. That looks like common sense to me. Hardly throwing the toys out the pram.
  4. The fool didn't make it public he had photos of a certain royal did he?
  5. Nah Amateur sport was only ever intended to stop the riffraff from getting involved in top level sport as they couldn't afford the time off work needed to compete. I am not a Queen's supporter so I never got deliberately hindering your chances and playing in a stadium at least 10 times what was needed just to keep tradition. Their most important tradition for me is developing young players and you don't need to be amateur to do that. Going pro and moving to a ground more suited to their needs its exciting times for The Spiders. Good luck.
  6. Kind of was. This 1910 map shows the photo is looking out to Castlemilk which consisted of one big house then. Cathkin in there as well.
  7. There's a topic in the junior form called LBGT. I'm scared to look. But I would suggest keeping a space here for it.
  8. I think Tom Harris comes under the "Well that's what they would say" category rather than the damage from within. It was said that the west changed it's governments but not it's policies and China never changed it's government but changed it's policies. I think there are a lot of people upset that Corbyn is trying to change the policy.
  9. The people that are doing most damage to the Labour party are within. The Tory press were always going to go for Corbyn and the general consensus would be "Well that's what they would say" But there are people within Labour who have been ousted by the left who have taken the hump (Or maybe never had Labour values) who are backing them up. That in my opinion is what has really damaged Corbyn.
  10. Wooft Destroying Airdrie fans from beyond the grave.
  11. Chelsea are a top team, But they also have a transfer ban. Which is undoubtedly helping Gilmour's 1st team chances. Not a bad thing though.
  12. No their objective is to get as many votes as possible to push what they see as a far more important issue than brexit. If someone else get's in because of that all that will happen is people who never voted for them anyway will say "I'm never voting Green again." A la labour voters response to SNP supposedly letting Thatcher in in '79. It's a flaw of the FPTP system. But it is a system that will benefit SNP more than most.
  13. Exactly the Greens have little chance of many seats in a FPTP system. Success for them is increasing their percentage of the vote. They won't do that stepping aside to a party who support what is a secondary issue to them.
  14. I wan't thinking I was clever. More you were stupid for going to one of the most visited tourist attractions in the world and being surprised how busy it was.
  15. Aw mate you should have phoned ahead and they would have kicked every other c**t out so you could go in yourself.
  16. I wish someone would tell that to John Mason.
  17. The best way to get a bigger audience is to target those that disagree. They'll have your pish across the internet in no time. I don't think I've ever seen anything by Kate Hopkins and co shared by anyone who actually agrees with them. It's always the offended who publicise their message.
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